Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Friday, January 07, 2005


The debate over accepting Ohio's electoral votes. I was watching Congress on C-Span last night and I must say that the Republicans flunked my personal lie tests. They showed extreme deception. This raises my suspicions considerably. There is DEFINITELY something going on here. I smell SCANDAL big time!

Indications of Republican lying:

1. They had guilty expressions. Most of them would not raise their eyes from their prepared speeches.

2. When they did raise their eyes, their expressions were furtive and their eyelids fluttered.

3. When done speaking, they ran away with great haste.

Their arguments were almost amusingly invalid. It's like they took a textbook of Logic 101 and looked up all of the most invalid argument techniques and used them. Lets look at a few:

1. Bush won by 3.5 million votes, so he is the winner, get used to it. Answer: The popular vote is irrelevant. If the popular vote was relevant, then Al Gore would have been President for the past 4 years. Additionally, poll results elsewhere in the country have no bearing on Ohio.

2. Debating about the legitimacy of the November 2 election undermines our effort to bring about elections in Iraq. Answer: We are illustrating to the Iraqis how democracy settles election problems. In Arabia, Ohio would have been a cause for civil war.

3. Strawman argument 1: The Democrats are accusing President Bush of running a conspiracy in Ohio from the White House. How could he possibly do that? Its impossible. Answer: First, there is no need for Bush to be involved directly in an Ohio conspiracy. Secondly, since the objectives of the conspiracy are so simple, it is easy enough for local Republican operatives to carry out.

4. Scapegoat Argument 1: Blame it on Michael Moore. One Florida congressman, who looks like a Donald Trump clone, said that it was all Michael Moore's fault. He proceeded to present evidence that Michael Moore is an evil, horrible traitor, and since he is an evil, horrible traitor, everything that he believes is automatically false. Answer: It is not a question of who believes in this conspiracy. It is a question of whether or not it is true.

5. There is no evidence. Answer: There are tons of evidence. Approximate waiting times at polling places are known factors. Polling place workers can testify under oath to a ballpark waiting time at their particular polling place.

The number of voting machines used at a polling place, the number of actual voters and the number of registered voters in that precinct is a known factor. These ratios are known and are solid evidence.

The insecurity of no-audit-trail voting machines is a known vulnerability. This vulnerability has been testified to by experts repeatedly in the past 4 years. Using no-audit-trail voting machines designed by a Bush supporter is something that should be investigated.

The whole circus was accentuated by the "class warfare" appearances of the debaters. Many of the Democrats were angry black women. They were not very well dressed. Even the white Democrats were not that well dressed. But the Republicans definitely won the "best dressed" contest. The Republican congressmen all had their $200 ties and $1000 suits. They all looked like they just came from the hair stylist, or maybe even from a photo-shoot at Forbes magazine.

It definitely pays off to suck up to multi-billionaires. Bill Gates has $40 billion dollars. Bill Gates could give a $10 million dollar bribe to every Congressman and every Senator and that would only come to $5 billion dollars. He makes that back in tax cuts, and especially in an end to the estate tax.

Draft 1: 1/7/05.
Draft 2: 1/9/05.


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