Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Unfortunately, much of the left is stuck in "broken record" anti-war mode. The last time that the left was powerful was during the Vietnam years, so there is some sort of nostalgic desire to return to this glory. That was Kerry's problem, and why he lost the election.

Iraq is not Vietnam. We can not leave Iraq at this time. Yes, the fault is Bush's: He should have left Sadam in power and kept him contained. This would have continued the necessary balance against the Iranian Fascists.

At this time, if we leave Iraq, Iran will walk in tomorrow and take over Iraq. They will systematically exterminate their opponents. Next, Saudi Arabia will be taken. Without the USA around, Saudi Arabia could not stand up to Iran.

Once this happens, or before, Iran would launch it's attack on Israel, which it has vowed to destroy, and the Iranian Nazis will murder every man, woman and child in Israel. They already started to do this when their sub-human Hezbollah slaves fired 4,000 anti-personnel missiles into Israel. They weren't even aimed at any strategic targets.

Perhaps the bleeding heart Arab-terrorist-sympathisizers will exult over this, until Iran also exterminates the Palestinians. And until Iran raises the price of oil in the USA to $10 a gallon.

Once Iran controls Iraq and Saudi Arabia, they will have the power to strangle the American economy. And if you think that they don't hate America, you better think again. Remember when they held our embassy hostage.

The Iranians have specifically STATED that they will crush America. Maybe some of these dummies should start listening. As they should have listened before 9/11.

Draft 2: 9/19/06


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