Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Trumps Method: The Best Defense if a Good Offense

I have just now discovered the essence of Trump's campaign. It is actually somewhat similar to Obama's in past years, but a million times louder, grosser and more transparent.

This is what it is about:  Whenever Trump suspects that somebody is going to attack or expose him on the basis of one of the dozens of skeletons that he has dancing in his closets, he IMMEDIATELY attacks Hillary Clinton with the accusation that she has just committed this type of crime.

The beauty of this approach is that it steals the thunder of any accusations against him, as well as making any of those accusations sound copy-cat.  For example, Trump SHOULD be getting CRUCIFIED for conning millions of dollars out of chumps at Turmp U.  However, he and the attack-dogs of the Right have defused this by viciously, loudly and incessantly SCREAMING about Hillary's so-called e-mail scandal.

And the amazing thing is that Hillary is getting hit a hundred times harder for this minor indiscretion while Trump is walking away from a scam that he could likely be imprisoned for.  There is no comparison!  But Trump is just WAY smarter.  At least when it comes to sleaze tactics.

Another best-defense-is-a-good-offense is the whole Hillary "health" brewhaha. Trump has not released his health records because he is probably under some very SERIOUS threat of heart disease.  What do we know?  Trump has SEVERAL heart risk-factors that are much worse than anything the Hillary has.

Fir of all, females live an average of FIVE YEARS longer than males. Plus Hillary is 2 years younger than Trump.  That means that there is a general probability that Trump will die 7 years SOONER than Hillary, and at age 70, that might be fairly soon.

What else? Trump is fat.  He is on cholesterol medication so that is evidence that this is indeed a problem.  He probably follows a rich diet of high-fat fancy-restaurant food. That is his business. That all contributes to heart disease.  He also follows and aspirin regimen to reduce blood clots, indicating that his doctor sees serious risk:  Not only cholesterol medicine, but also an aspirin regimen!

Trump does not get regular exercise. He says that campaigning is exercise.  It aint. Not the kind of exercise his heart needs.  He gets very excited and apopleptic.  Not desirable. Dangerous.

So how does Trump handle this?  By him and his meatheads making a HUGE amount of noise over how sickly and weak HILLARY is!  What about HIM?

He makes out like Pneumonia is some horrible deadly disease.  It aint.  His heart disease is much worse.


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