Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Immodest Proposal

I had an interestingly crazy idea for Anthony Weiner's defense. I think that he should call a news conference at a nudist camp and appear buck naked. Also, all reporters, photographers, and guests wanting to attend the Press Conference would be required to attend buck naked.

I know that seems crazy at first, but when you think about it, it could be a good idea. Right now, Weiner is a dead man walking. His career is shot. So why not try something crazy? He has nothing to lose. Here's how he should set it up:

First, he would need to locate a nudist camp somewhere in the USA, or even outside it, where it would not be a crime to hold a nude news press conference and to broadcast it. This is important, since we wouldn't want anyone to get arrested.

Second, he should require that ALL reporters, journalists, protographers and guests attending the press conference would have to take off all of their clothes, and attend buck naked. Cell phones and cameras would also be allowed.

When Anthony Weiner appears on stage, buck naked in front of an audience of buck-naked reporters and photographers, he would simply say, "Hello, this is me. This is my body. Any questions?".

Because when you think about, what has Anthony Weiner really done that is so horrible? He has sent people pictures of one of his body parts. Would people get so excited if Weiner had sent out pictures of his toe, or his finger? This buck-naked Press Conference would make that clear.

Why is this a good idea? First, it would really be fun to see everybody in The Media squirm. I'm really sick and tired of all of their self-righteous yakking about how horrible and sick Anthony Weiner is. Now they would have to make a tough decision: Either attend the Press Conference buck naked, or else miss out on what might turn out to be the hottest press conference of the year. Media biggies would be compelled to attend the buck-naked Press Conference, because you can be sure that their younger, and more aggressive competitors would certainly be there.

Seeing that many naked people, and seeing the entirety of Anthony Weiner's body, might make people realize that that is what we are. We were born that way, to borrow a phrase. So what's the big deal?


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