Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I wish that "terrorists" would stop calling themselves "terrorists". They are, quite simply, mass murderers. I don't care what crybaby excuses these sub-humans have. They are, simply, mass murderers.

The most despicable and inexcusable of their crimes was the bombing of schoolbuses full of Jewish schoolchildren. To me, this is clear evidence of their sub-humanity.

Any person, of any race, who deliberates blows up a schoolbus full of children, of any race, is definitively SUB-HUMAN. No TRUE human being would murder a schoolbus full of children, no matter what their race or religion. And if there is any God in Heaven, this SUB-HUMAN will certainly spend the next few lifetimes under the close supervision of the Devil.

I'm sure that the terrorist-sympathisizers will immediately chime in about how the Israeli bombs in Lebanon killed children. That is true, but it was collateral damage. It was not intentional and every effort was made to avoid it. The only reason this happened was that Hezbollah deliberately precipitated a war by importing 13,000 missiles from Iran, and forcing Israel to bomb the residences hiding the missiles. This was essential for Israel's survival. Hezbollah knew that this would happen and didn't care. They only cared about the propaganda value that they would get from parading around all of their dead "martyrs".

So far as I know, there has NEVER been a case of Israelis deliberately murdering a bus full of children.

Other cowardly acts of terrorism also indicate the sub-human nature of so-called "terrorists". Certainly 9/11 was a totally unjustifiable war crime, and did little except to reduce New York down to the pitiful, sub-human, filthy level of the mass-murderers themselves. Misery loves company. So these terrorist FILTH must drag everybody down to their own SUB-HUMAN level.

Note that this is not racist. I am not saying that Arabs are sub-human. But I AM saying that most "terrorists" are sub-human.

1. Only a person who lacks a human soul could possibly blow up a schoolbus full of children. In the recent past, an infant fell into the Ape pit at a zoo. The female ape picked up the infant and held it in her arms to comfort it. Certainly this APE was FAR more human than any of the SUB-HUMAN FILTH who would blow up a schoolbus full of children.

2. Ranking not far behind in sub-humanity was the dirtbag who machine-gunned a family celebrating a bar mitzphah in Tel Aviv. It is hilarious that this SUB-HUMAN FILTH should think that he will enter paradise. The only paradise said FILTH will ever enter is doggie heaven.

3. It goes without saying that the 9/11 bombers are SUB-HUMAN. I really don't CARE what excuses the terrorist-apologists make up for these creatures. There are MANY people who have suffered in life. Even if they have suffered, that doesn't give these FILTH the right to commit mass-murder. Not to mention destroying the Twin Towers, which might well have qualified for one of the "wonders of the world".

4. Behind that come all of the do-nothing crybabies and blamers in Palestine. Someone should tell these "blamers" that "the fault lies not in the Jews, but rather in themselves, that they are underlings". These scumbags blow themselves up because their own lives are miserable, and because some PIGS give money to their families. In return, they mass-murder innocent civilians at shopping malls and cafes. More SUB-HUMANs.

The above statement expresses a very small portion of the absolute CONTEMPT that I feel for sub-human, murderous, crybaby, incompetent, terrorist FILTH. These SCUM are NOT part of the human race. And I have faith that said terrorists they will most certain NOT enter any Kingdom even remotely similar to Paradise.

And once again, this is NOT a statement directed toward all Arabs. Only the terrorists.


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