Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Little ObaHypocrisy on Private Jets

Remember when the CEO's of the former Big 3 automakers came to Washington? Obama and the rest of the Democrats made this whole big deal about how these horrible, terrible CEO's were flying on private jets. Apparently they were supposed to come to Washington on Amtrak or something.

But we see Obama's massive hypocrisy when he takes Airforce One, and 5 jillion Secret Service guys with him as he takes Michelle out for a date. Pretty expensive date. But no problem, the taxpayer is paying. Just taxpayers making over $250,000 a year, I'm shore.

Isn't it rather inappropriate for a government that is $3,456,333,555,555,222,666 in debt to be taking spit-shined, corporate jumbo jets out for a date?

But getting back to the CEO's, this IDIOTIC obsession that top corporate executives are supposed to fly economy class reveals the fact that Congress is TOTALLY DEVOID of business knowledge.

Here's a couple things to think about. The hourly wage of the CEO's of any of the Big 3 automakers is probably almost as much as a first class ticket. 1. Does it make economic sense to have the CEO standing in line for 2 hours waiting to get frisked? Does it make sense to have the most important man at GM or Ford sitting on a runway somewhere for an hour or two while the flight is delayed? Does it make sense for him to have to sit at Timbuktoo International Airport because flights were cancelled due to bad weather in New York? Does it make sense to have the most important person at GM or Ford UNABLE to use his cell phone or laptop for a couple hours? Does it make sense for him to have to delay critical meetings because the next flight to the coast doesn't leave for 5 hours?

The fact that the BOZO in Congress was making a big deal about these guys not taking public transportation reveals how totally CLUELESS some of these Congressional AIRHEADS are. They know absolutely NOTHING about the functioning of a huge, critical corporation.

Sure, there are lots of problems with the Big 3. But the solution is NOT to have the CEO waste hours and hours on public transportation! That is just a waste of a valuable resource.

draft 2: 6/16/09


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