Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Obama's Health Care Plan is DOA

Obama's health care plan is DOA. It is a dim-witted plan that will yield massive corruption and degrade American medical care.

A much better plan is to simply leave the U.S. health care system alone. More free clinics and charity hospitals could be built that would take care of the poor and the uninsured. No, they would not be able to get non-essential services for free. Yes, they might have to wait for a long time. No, they would not be able to select their own doctors. Yes, they might get lousier doctors. Good doctors want to make money (they aren't idiots).

A good approach would be expand the public health system, and possible the Veteran's Administration and even the military medical corps. In the army, when you have a cold, you don't get to see a doctor. You see a medic, who has had a couple months of training.

Hey, yuh get what yuh pay for!!!

Obama says that he is going to pay for his plan by saving billions of dollars on un-necessary tests. So are government burocrats now going to tell doctors that the tests that they are prescribing are "unnecessary"? I don't get it. How is Obama going to eliminate billions of dollars in "unnecessary" tests.

And when is a test "unnecessary"? If they gave you a test for cancer, and it turned out negative, was that "unnecessary"? How does a freeking lawyer like Obama know so freeking much about medicine? For that matter, how does he more about the auto industry than all 3 CEO's of the Big 3 combined?

Obama keeps blathering about how the American health care system is "broken". I would say that that is hardly the case. The American system is the best in the world. Top doctors from all over the world would KILL to come to America. The people who go into medicine are the smartest people around. But that will no longer be the case if Obama starts making them work at minimum wage.

Who wants to go thru 30 years of rigorous education, internships and residencies just to make the same salary as a plumber? If doctors don't make big money, then the smartest people will no longer go into medicine. That's the way the world works.

And another thing. Obama talks about the alleged 48 million uninsured as if they are all victims of economic catastrophy. This is not necessarily the case. If you look a little closer, you'll probably that 10 or 20 million of those people COULD afford health insurance, but they would rather spend the money on other things. After all, insurance is an "intangible" that a lot of (dumb) people don't think is really necessary.

Another thing is that HUGE numbers of uninsured are recent or illegal immigrants.

So this idea that all of the alleged 48 million uninsured are tragic victims who could not possible afford health insurance is simply not accurate.

It also should be noted that huge numbers of poor people get free or cheap medical care thru Medicare or Medicaid. So Obama should keep his big yap shut.

During the campaign, Obama kept harping away about how bad the economy was until HE broke it. He broke it by undermining confidence in the American economy. Obama is apparently too inexperienced and too stupid to understand the effect of his words.

Draft 1: Not very good. 6/16/09


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