Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rush Limbaugh isn't all bad

For lack of anything better to do, I was listening to Rush on the radio today. Even tho I'm a Democrat, I find him rather refreshing.

Rush seems to be the only media person who has the audacity to criticize Obama. It makes me realize what a bunch of mealy-mouthed me-too-er's the Media has been in the past year. Everybody else seems to worship Obama, even tho he is having a rather dismal time.

I was surprised to hear that Obama was going to be on Jay Leno tonite. That seems rather smarmy and below the dignity of the President. What is he? A comedian?

It seems to me that if Obama has anything significant to say, he should call a news conference and say it. It's rather below his dignity to go on Leno's show and be beholden to Leno.

First of all, when he goes Leno's show, Leno is still "the boss". Leno says when Obama can appear and when he can talk and when he has to go. That's a crock. The President should not be playing second fiddle to Jay Leno.

It also seem very inappropriate for Obama to be going on Leno at a non-campaign time. It was somewhat OK for a President or a candidate to go on Letterman or Leno during the campaign. But now? Very inappropriate and below the dignity of the office of the Presidency.

I find, personally, that Obama is a bit too laid-back, relaxed and informal for a President. He's the President of the United States. He's not a freekin community organizer anymore. Nor is he a basketball coach.

I would be more impressed with Obama if he spent more time studying up on America's major corporations, rather than making stupid college basketball picks.

How does the freekin President of the United States have the TIME to spend on picking who is going to win the college basketball championships? He is revealing that he is not spending his time doing his homework. He should NOT be wasting his time evaluating every stupid college basketball team in the USA.

If anything, he should be spending that time evaluating every major corporation in the USA, among other things. OK, maybe Obama has the time to shoot hoops once in a while, for relaxation. But why is he wasting the kind of substantial time that it takes to evaluation every single stupid basketball team in the USA?

It reflects upon what I put forward as Obama's biggest problem. That is INEXPERIENCE. I did not vote for Hillary and against Obama because I'm a racist. I did it because Obama is enormously inexperienced, and that inexperience is sadly showing.

So I actually find it a bit refreshing to listen to a non-fawning news media person. Most of the rest of them make me sick.


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