Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Save BIG Money! Exterminate ALL Undesirables!

This was in response to a post in Salon advocating throwing end-of-life people into hospices, rather than wasting money on hospitals.

This was a rather painful elaboration of the obvious. Please, give me some morphine so I don't feel the pain.

This silly article is filled with ridiculous generalizations. Does she not realize that MANY people ALREADY choose, or have chosen hospice over hospital when it is clear that death is a certainty?

But WHEN is it an absolute certainty? I know a lady who got lung cancer and was given 6 months to live. Guess what? She lived 2 1/2 more years.

And where do you draw the line? There are A LOT of younger people whose lives are pretty much worthless: Homeless people, drug addicts, alcholics, crazy people, the chronically unemployed, mental retards, career criminals, why not exterminate THEM?

Heck, you have 2 million people in jail. Most of them are worthless losers, but yet they get free healthcare. But yet hardworking senior citizens, reaching the end of their lives, should be just left to rot slowly and helplessly in hospices.

I just LOVE the way this DIMWIT paints a picture of how wonderful hospice is. You just sit there and watch a loved one die without helping them because it's CHEAPER that way. Well maybe if your parents had been so concerned about how much cheaper it was, they would have thrown you in the river at birth. Look at how much money THEY could have saved on healthcare!

And how about getting rid of prison hospitals and just replacing them with hospices? Or better yet, just replace them with gas chambers. Just THINK of the money that we could save!

Matter of fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to exterminate bloggers. All they do is sit around and blog all day. What makes them any better than old farts who have worked hard all their lives?

But I think this article gives you a clue about what medical care would be like under ObamaCare, since this lady is obviously an ObaMoron. Under ObamaCare, you would have to make your case for survival to some ObaMoron Burocrat, and if you didn't have black skin, and if you weren't a Liberal, then it would be time for you to die.

Sure, we all know how HONEST government burocrats are. Wouldn't you just LOVE to have your fate in their greasy little hands? Just make sure you got a hundred-dollar bill folded up in your palm. Otherwise, you go to the hospice, cracker sucka!!!

Draft 1: 8/4/09


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