Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Secretary of State is Not Hired to Speak Linux

As an IT person myself, I find the entire Hillary E-Mail "scandal" to be EXTREMELY dubious.

Why on earth should Hillary be held responsible for IT security at the Department of State?!  The Department of State has entire ARMIES of Cybersecurity specialists with PhD's from places like MIT and Berkeley.  

THESE are the people who are IN CHARGE of security, NOT the freeking Secretary of State of the United States of America!!!  What the freek does HILLARY know about computer seccurity?  Was she selected for the position of Secretary of State because she speaks perfect Linux?  Was she selected because she has vast knowledge of Computer security protocols? Like most 68 year old women, it is unlikely that computer security procedures are her favorite subject.  And that was NOT her job.

Here is the way computer security works in corporations and government.  It should be TOTALLY TRANSPARENT to the user, and particularly to TOP LEVEL users like the Secretary of Freeking State!!!

Why on EARTH did the Cybersecurity people at the Department of State even ALLOW Hillary to have a private server???  That is patently INSANE!  And where was the Secret Service?  And where was the CIA?  And where was the freeking FBI (with all their DUMB investigations)? And where was the NSA?  

If they were doing their freeking jobs, the Cyber geniuses at State, CIA, FBI, NSA, Secret Service, et. al., should have been IMMEDIATELY AWARE that the Secretary of Freeking State of the United States of America was using some kind of dorky private server. WTF?  A 12 year old HACKER could have detected THAT!

But nobody noticed?  Hell-ooooooo.  Anybody home? Duh. 

That unsecured server should have been shut down immediately, whether or not Hillary wanted it to or not.  They should have IMMEDIATELY informed her AT THE TIME that this was insecure and unwise. Given that information, I am sure that Hillary would have stopped using it.  But apparently all of the cybersecurity experts were were all too busy doing ... what? 

So rather than blaming themselves, these ARMIES of Cybersecurity experts all gang up on Hillary, who didn't know didly squat about computer security, and blame HER for stuff that is not even REMOTELY at her level of security?  I have seen anything so totally OBNOXIOUS in my entire life!

Hillary Clinton was NOT appointed to be Secretary of State because she has a vast knowledge of Linux commands and Network Protocols.  She was not appointed because she knows TCP-IP inside and out and she can hack any computer in the known universe.  

No.  She was appointed because she had 8 years of experience as FLOTUS, and 6 years as NY Senator, and several years as Governor's wife of Arkansas.  

The Secretary of State is about 20 pay grades above computer NERDS who know ANYTHING about the kind of crap that she is being "investigated" about.  And quite frankly, I think that the freeking FBI should investigate THEMSELVES, not Hillary!  Why were THEY totallly unaware of Hillary's unsecure computer configuration?  And why do the incompetent BOZOS at the State Department blame the Secretary of State for not following some dorky classification rules that should be AUTOMATIC and built into the system?

Aa an IT person myself, I can not COMPREHEND how this entire ARMY of Cybersecurity experts were TOTALLY CLUELESS about the configuration of Hillary's e-mail!!!  And that is THEIR freeking fault, NOT Hillary's!  

The Secretary of State of the United States of Freeking America has better things to do then fart around with Linux code.  That is all supposed to be TOTALLY and COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT to her and she should never have even been ALLOWED to set up a server in that way.

And how was it that all this freeking CIA, FBI, NSA, Secret Service, State Department computer PhD geniuses were totally OBLIVIOUS to this going on?  Like what on EARTH do these dudes get PAID for???  

So cut the BS about this IDIOTIC E-mail scandal and start blaming the people who are REALLY to blame, rather than picking on Hillary. 

First draft, 9/14/2016


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