Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Imagine that! The pope saying that Islam is violent! Lies! All lies!!!

How absurd! Well, I guess there was 9/11. But so what if they killed 3,000 evil Americans and caused $50 billion in damages? Americans are all servants of the Great Satan.

How absurd! Well I guess there were those embassies they blew up. But all of those people in the embassies were spies!

How absurd! Well I guess there was the SS Cole. But they were evil American soldiers.

How absurd! Well, I guess they blew up a couple dozen schoolbuses full of Jewish schoolchildren, but they were just Jews.

How absurd! Well, I guess they blew up a couple dozen sidewalk cafes, but those people were drinking liquor, and that is evil. So they needed to be murdered.

How absurd! Well, I guess they've blown up a couple dozen shopping malls. But the women were buying immodest clothes. Women not wearing burkas must be murdered.

How absurd! Well, I guess they machine-gunned a few grannies attending their grandson's bar mitzphah. But they were old and would be dying soon anyway.

How absurd! Of course the Koran instructs Moslems to murder infidels, and the mullahs instruct "martyrs" to turn themselves into bombs and kill more infidels.

But aside from that, it is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS that the Pope should imply that Islam is violent! Lets all run out into the streets, jump up and down, scream insanely, and burn effigies of the Pope! That will certainly prove to the world that Moslems are peace-loving people!!!

And Iran will shoot anti-personnel missiles at anyone who says otherwise!!!

Draft 1: 9/20/06


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