Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Democrat Boomers Think its 1968

With the current orgy of anti-warism, it seems like the Democratic Boomers have this unrelenting obsession with trying to make believe that it is 1968 again. Yes, 1968, when we were young, and beautiful, and naked, and high on LSD, and there was a war in Vietnam being fought by and for the Military Industrial Complex who were totally Evil as opposed to us being totally Good.

But then the inconvenient and painful reality of 9/11 came along and fucked up the whole wonderful liberal world view. No, Buffy, just because we are nice and friendly and seek political discourse with the rest of the world does not mean that they are going to hate our fucken guts any less than they do.

These anti-war idiots are setting themselves and America up for total disaster. We once again see septogenarian boomers making believe that they're teenage rebels, telling us that all we have to do is be nice and give peace a chance, and those Islamofascists are REALLY very nice, sweet people. Oh, never mind them blowing up the World Trade Center and killing off a few thousand people, and never mind the thousands of suicide bombers in the middle east who have killed off thousands of innocent civilians.

The left seems to have some insane obsession to try to make believe that this is Vietnam again, and here is big, bad America picking on these poor innocent people who wouldn't hurt a fly.

One thing that I can guarantee: If any of these brainless anti-war imbeciles gets elected, it is a certainty that the Arab Asswipes will blow up one or more American highrises, if not dirty-bomb a city. And another thing, women don't know SHIT about DEFENSE. So I wish they would stop acting as if they do. Unless, of course, they're dike bitches. I can see having a dike bitch as President, but not one of these sweet motherhood types.

Are you seriously asking me to listen to Nancy Pelosi or Hilary Clinton on the subject of DEFENSE? Gimme a break. They can't handle the truth.

There is only one way that Hilary can win the presidency: She must make it absolutely clear that she is running as a totally phony figurehead and that Billy Boy is going to be the Real President. Otherwise, ferget it. It takes a village, my ass. I HATE villages!

Changing the subject, the movie Babel wasn't bad. It apparently was composed of three stories and I never really understood the Mexicans' story.

I'm surprised that the "World Trade Center" didn't receive any Golden Globes. It was probably the new political correctness of Hollywood. It's rather tragic that reality is coming to be defined by being "pro-Bush" or "anti-Bush". I say "fuck Bush".

People must look at issues clearly and not be "for" or "against" them in terms of being "for" or "against" Bush. Fuck Bush. He is an irrelevancy. A lame duck. Watch him quack.

However, the conduct of the war at this point is enormously important. Bush was an idiot to get us into it, and the Democrats were chickenshits to allow him to do it. Unfortunately, we can't just walk away from it.

The war in Iraq must be viewed in terms of the war in Iraq. It must NOT be viewed in terms of being pro or anti Bush. Fuck Bush. He is irrelevant. But the war is relevant.

That is a sufficient amount of rant for one day. I'm tired and hungry.

Draft one: 1/30/07.


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