Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Swiftboating a good thing

Bill Clinton's statement about "swift-boating" Hillary is very interesting. In point of fact, if the Democrats HAD swift-boated John Carey during the primary, then maybe they would have picked a better nominee who would actually have WON the election.

The swift-boating of John Carey was his own damn fault. He walked onto the scene as a great "war hero", who was going to make Bush look like a 2-bit draft-dodger (which he was).

Unfortunately,it turned out that the great "war hero" had only served in Viet Nam for 4 months and got his medals for questionable heroism. Then he came back home and went into the anti-war movement.

I have nothing against the anti-war movement, but Carey should not have advertised himself as Mr. Rambo, Tarzan jungle-warrior, war hero macho-man when he was actually a peacenik. Once again, madly flip-flopping.

If the Democrats had been awake during the primaries, they would have swift-boated Carey during the primaries, and then maybe the Democrats could have nominated an ELECTABLE candidate. And how hard should if have been to find a candidate who could defeat a president so marginally unpopular as George Bush?

So I say to the Democrats, fire your torpedoes on the swift-boats during the PRIMARIES. That is exactly what the Republicans are going to do during the general election, except with 1000 times more torpedoes. Better to have all the shit come out now rather than in the general election. And better get used to BJ jokes, since Monica isn't going away. Especially with the writer's strike.

The latest rumor: Bill is going to divorce Hillary and marry Monica because he always keeps his word.


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