Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008


The "boycott" of Florida and Michigan by the Democratic National Committee has been one of the STUPIDEST and most FUTILE political acts in recent American political history. It reveals an ALARMING lack of political savvy on the part of the current DNC. It is an act akin to POLITICAL SUICIDE by the Democrats! If the DNC is DUMB ENOUGH to shit on Michigan and Florida Democrats, then they are WAY too dumb to win the Presidential election!!!

In fact, if the Democrats had any brains, they would tell Howeird Dean to give one last scream, and then give him a one-way bus ticket back to Vermont.

But if they have any brains at all in their silly little heads, the DNC would stop this idiotic charade NOW. It is impossible to enforce and it does nothing but foster dissention within the Democratic party. It does this in 2 states that are CRITICAL to a Democratic Presidential victory. Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina are BULLSHIT. Florida and Michigan are among the states that are CRITICAL to a Democratic victory in November (when it COUNTS).

The DNC is PUNISHING Florida Democratic voters! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Punishing Florida Democrats! Yes, this IDIOCY is too good to make up. A novelist on LSD could not come up with something THAT insane!!! You can be sure that Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove are LAUGHING uproariously over the DNC's sophomoric cupidity.

Why is it FUTILE? First, the results of Florida and Michigan are going to be obvious. There is NOTHING that the tinhorn dictators of the DNC can do to diminish it. It is something called "democracy". Where people VOTE. And their vote COUNTS.

South Carolina is a pile of pig shit. Iowa is a bunch of corn farmers. Do you think that any grown-up Democrats are going to ignore the results in Florida and Michigan? Not likely.

And what happens if the Florida and Michigan delegates come into play on the Convention floor??? What will happen if there is a TIE between Barak and Hillary, except Hillary had won Florida and Michigan. Do you REALLY think that the Democratic Party will IGNORE those Florida delegates??? Not on your fucking LIFE!!!

Let's say that Hillary wins Florida and Michigan, but she "loses" the nomination by a close margin to Barak. But only by IGNORING Florida and Michigan delegates.

Do you seriously think that Barak would be able to accept that victory??? NO WAY IN HELL!!! Barak would be SPIT ON in Florida and Michigan! And most likely, BOTH of those states would go REPUBLICAN just out of SPITE.

As a Floridian, I can ASSURE you that I would vote for a Republican, before voting for a CHEAT!

So, DNC Commissars, give up your glorious fight against the Florida windmills. Stop your silly "punishing" of Florida Democratic voters. It is pointless and futile. And it will lose you the general election in November.


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