Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Is Obama a Fascist Movement?

This may sound paranoid, but there are certain aspects of Obama's campaign that appear fascistic in nature.

First of all, his style is that of a low-keyed Hitler. His element is the mass meeting, with huge numbers of screaming, adoring followers. The followers love him and view him as their savior, just as did Hitler's Nazis.

Second, the real base to his party is extremely violent, tribal, and gang-oriented. I have long felt that if a neo-Nazi movement were to appear in America, it would be with certain elements of the Blacks.

Blacks do not have the inhibitions against racism that whites have. To them, "racism" means the hatred of blacks by whites. It does not mean the hatred of whites, or Jews, by blacks. That seems to be justified in some self-satisfied way.

There is also a streak of pronounced violence in certain elements of the black community. Blacks are 9 times as likely to go to jail, and black street gangs are extremely violent and murderous. The black street gangs may be the group in America most capable of doing Stormtrooper-like violence for the sake of pure money, and with a total absence of conscience or remorse.

Obama has a close connection to Jeremiah Wright, whose speeches resemble Adolph Hitler's. This is not a man of God, he is a man of hatred. Even his body language is similar to Hitler's.

Jeremiah Wright is also an admirer of renowned anti-semite and organizer Louis Farrahkan. Farrahkan has also cited Obama as his "savior". The fact that Obama has "renounced" these people is meaningless bullshit. Bullshit suitable for Stupid White Liberals to believe, but not suitable for anyone with a brain to believe.

Obama is building HIS OWN party. The Obama Party. He actually does not give Shit One about the Democratic Party. Democratic Party leaders are fools to believe that he really cares about the Democratic Party in any way. In fact, he has often called for destroying it by going across party lines.

This he can do, but it will not be a broad-based party.

His real base is blacks, who he controls through promises of black power and black wealth. His REAL message is probably the same as Jeremiah Wright's, but he will not SPEAK that. It is only important to his followers that they KNOW what his message is.

His secondary base is young students and recent graduates, who are facing a dim job market. There is some promise here that is some sort of socialist revolution sort of thing, altho not in so many words.

But the fascist image comes to me when I read the blogs that his followers dominate, and I see the barrage of brainless insults and slanders that they direct at Hillary. This purely FASCISTIC in nature. I can not believe that Hillary deserves such vitriolic hatred. I find her no more hateful than white bread.

I can understand them disliking her, but I simply don't see her as having done anything that deserves that level of vitriolic hatred. This is the equivalent of Hitler's hatred for the Jews, and anyone else who he disliked, or who would get in his way.

Obama puts on a show of being reasonable, but the real power behind him lies in the gutter. The REAL purpose of his campaign is not even to win the election. That is irrelevant.

What Obama is doing is building HIS OWN Obama Party. He is building the organization complete with black storm troopers. And this organization will continue to grow after the election, even if he loses.

In the future, he will use his gutter gangster forces to force policy, if he can't win it thru elections. This is similar to Hitler, who won his first election, and then thereafter banned elections.

So I agree that Obama is a new sort of politician. However, I do not share the rosey colored vision of him that is apparently held by the Stupid White Liberals.

My advice to the Stupid White Liberals? Buy a couple GUNS. You should have at least a revolver at home for home protection against these gangs. You should also have a good rifle, so that you shoot rioters and looters if they invade your neighborhood to search for plunder. And learn how to shoot.

Because remember. If the black gangs decide to riot, Obama and the NAACP will be soft on them, and will basically let them steal all that they want from the rich people. But if you have a gun, and they do a home invasion, you can give them a special present. Between the eyes.


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