Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama's Destruction of Hillary on Race

Obama has been very clever, and I think very scheming on race.

Consider: A couple months ago, Bill and Hillary Clinton were beloved of Black America. Bill Clinton was even jokingly called the first black president.

But now, Hillary and Bill are viewed as the most vile racists since Adolph Hitler. How did this change come about?

Some would blame Bill for his remark comparing Obama's SC victory to Jessie Jackson's. But I think that that is highly dubious.

The truth is, Black America was looking for some excuse to stab the Clinton's in the back so that, as black racists, they could defect to Obama in clear conscience. Let's face it, even some blacks have a sense of guilt about being black racists. And this is what is at the heart of the defection to Obama.

Obama and his slandering surrogates have been particularly vicious in attacking the Clinton's on "racism" simply so that he could totally steal this constituency away from Hillary.

Obama has great skills as a demagogue and a rabble rouser. He has spent a lot of time in the ghettoes and the ghetto church of Rev. Wright. He knows how to rouse the rabble.

The more I know about Obama, the worse he looks.

Obama is actually a racial schizophrenic. He has a very black father, and a very white mother. There is probably a tremendous amount of psychological stress there. And I tend to think that that is going to emerge in the coming weeks or months.

Obama will probably unravel. It is happening already. If he makes it to the nomination, then it will happen in the general election. In the general election he is going to get BOMBARDED by TRUE racists.

Calling Hillary a racist is hillarious! Hillary is a liberal who has devoted much of her life to helping blacks. But soon Obama will be going up against the REAL racists: The KKK, Christian arch-conservatives, Militias, etc.

If Hillary causes these Obama creatures so much grief, by some verbal slight, then what is going to happen when KKK'ers call him the N-word outright. If not worse?

Hillary is a honeymoon.


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