Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I'm beginning to understand Obama's modus operandi. It is that the best defense is a furious offense.

This is very much the case with Geraldine Ferraro. Her analysis of him is deadly accurate. He is exploiting the black vote, and he DOES ATTACK anyone who criticizes him as a RACIST.

The idea of Geraldine Ferraro as a RACIST is LUDICROUS. This gives you some idea of the HELLISH experience that it would be if the Obama FASCISTS were to reach the White House.

But we see that whenever anyone has an accurate and deadly criticism of Obama, he stirs up his dogs and monkeys and put them into attack mode.

These ObaMonkeys are really vicious. They're worse than the
Limbaugh's ditto-heads.

It almost seems as if Obama is modeling his machine after the
Rightwing machine, where his dogs and monkeys get a daily message and then hammer it home remorselessly.

But make no mistake. These people are dangerous fascists. His black followers are hate-filled BLACK RACISTS.

Obama himself is the world's biggest phony. He talks about empowering people, but then works mercilessly to suppress voting in Florida and Michigan.

Obama is a BLACK RACIST FASCIST. It is that simple. Do not be taken in by his sweetness act. He is a dangerous fascist. His idea of "change" is far more sweeping than you think.

It is OBAMA who has MASSIVELY introduced, and benefitted from BLACK RACISM in this election. How else could the sleezy, hypocritical, lying little scumbag get all those votes?

Obomination could NEVER got a winning number of votes just from
whites. That is why he will FAIL miserably if he gets nominated.
There aren't enuf blacks in the general election to carry him. But there are enuf in the primary. And they are dumb enuf, and racist enuf, to waste their votes on that arrogant piece of shit.

I also half-suspect that many of the ObaAsswipes are actually
REPUBLICAN surrogates. The Republicans have fought Hillary because they know that they can DESTROY Obama in the general election. He is a FOOL. A pathetic FOOL who does not stand a CHANCE of winning the general election. And the Republicans know it.

Too bad the Demmies are such dummies.



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