Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, February 21, 2008


There is a serious problem in the Obama campaign. There is a drastic shortage of Obamabunto translators. Obamabunto, of course, is the native language of the Obamas. And while Obamabunto sounds very similar to English, it actually has VERY different meanings.

For example, Mrs. Obama recently said that "for the first time in my life, I am really proud to be an American." Now, of course, in normal ENGLISH, this would seem to indicate that Mrs. Obama has been ASHAMED to be an American her entire life.

However, in OBAMABUNTO, the phrase "For the first time in my life", has an entirely DIFFERENT meaning! In Obamabunto, the phrase "For the first time in my life" translates roughly into the word "Achooo". Or, in some cases, "burp".

In other words, after translating to Obamabunto, Mrs. Obama's statement has AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MEANING!!! What Mrs. Obama REALLY said was "Achooo. I am really proud to be an American." Which, of course, is VERY patriotic, as SHE is very patriotic and always proud to be an American. However, you might think otherwise is you do not speak Obamabunto.

Obama had a similar problem with the word "plagiarism". In Obama's native ObamabuntoLand, political leaders FREQUENTLY copy ENTIRE speeches from other political leaders. Yes, MANY leaders in ObamabuntoLand have given the ML King "I have a dream" speech, and of course, claimed it as their own! Many of the natives in ObamabuntoLand have never heard the speech before, not having any electricity in their huts, so there was no question of plagiarism.

In FACT, in Obamabunto, there is no word for "plagiarism".

So you can certainly see that there is a dire need for Obamabunto translators in the Obama campaign. It is likely that MANY mis-understandings of this nature will arise, simply because Obamabunto sounds so similar to English, but yet has entirely different meanings.

Care must be taken to ALWAYS consult an Obamabunto translator before assuming that an Obama has said or done something wrong. Because, of course, the Obamas are PERFECT, and NEVER say or do anything wrong. THOUSANDS of Obama supporters will swear to that, and how could they be wrong?



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