Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Idiotic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories about 9/11 implosions are impossibly assinine. Consider:

1. Do these 9/11 IDIOTS have any idea how much EXPLOSIVES would have been necessary to do this?

1a. WHO put these explosives in place?
1b. How come nobody SAW any of these explosives? They would have had to have been plastered to the walls, etc. Holes would have had to have been drilled, there would be detonator wires all over the place, drywall would be smashed in.
1c. How come nobody SAW a team of workers bringing in TONS of explosives into BOTH of the Twin Towers?
1d. Where would Bush have gotten such total traitors and murderers as workers? This would certainly be repugnant to patriotic Americans of the right wing.
1e. Why have there been no stool-pigeons? Virtually every one of Bush's former cabinet members have turned into stool-pigeons informing on Bush. Don't you think that some of these conspirators would have stool-pigeoned by now?

2. WHY would Bush have even WANTED to do 9/11? It was certainly not clear in advance that 9/11 would work to his political advantage. It was actually a terrible stain upon his administration that 9/11 happened UNDER HIS WATCH. If the Democrats had any brains, they could have CRUCIFIED him for it. 9/11 only "turned out" to be to Bush's advantage. Consequently, there would not even be a motivation for it to happen.

3. Finally, the amateur Saudi Arabian Al Quida pilots would have been required to hit the buildings in PRECISELY the correct location to set off all of these explosives.

4. There would have been chemical traces of explosives. Considering that a huge amount of explosives would have been necessary, there would have been chemical traces of them.

5. People would have seen explosives going off, if the building had been imploded. There were no explosives. The top floors simply collapsed of their own weight after steel supports had melted. That is what caused the so-called "implosion". There were no explosions after the initial impact of the airplanes.

There is ample documentation of the collapse of both buildings, and it is clear that there were none of the explosions that you would have seen if it had somehow been exploded.

To conclude, these are just a FEW of the arguments against the idiotic 9/11 conspiracy theories.

It is rather clear that certain people are just so desperate to deny the REALITY of the need for the War on Terror, that they must makes up fantasies to defy reality. The 9/11 conspiracy theories are as idiotic as saying that Pearl Harbor never happened, or that the Holocaust never happened.


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