Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Consider the "racial purity laws" of Nazi Germany. You were defined as a Jew if you had a Jewish grandparent, and you could then be stripped of your belongings and sent to Auschwitz.

What I find interesting about Obama is that everyone agrees that he is "black". But in reality, of course, he is half black and half white. So why then do we call him "black"? Couldn't we just as well call him "white"?

This apparently relates to the "racial purity laws" of modern America. Apparently if you have a grandparent who is black, you can then be defined as black.

My personal feeling is that we all need to deal with this. It is time to totally rid America of any sort of "racial purity" definitions. And I think that Obama's election goes a long way toward doing that.

The big question is whether HE HIMSELF will want to, or be able to, eliminate the concept of "racial purity".

Racial purity has become an ugly part of the U.S. Government. Whenever you apply for a job, you must fill out that stupid form asking whether you are black, white, hispanic, Asian or Native American.

Since this is an "official" document, how on earth do you even "define" your race? Is Obama "black" or "white"? He is both.

And how about people of the "hispanic" race? That is PURE IDIOCY. "Hispanic" is a LANGUAGE, not a RACE. There are very large numbers of "caucasians" in South America, so why are they termed "hispanic" when they come here? They are actually "white".

And getting rid of this IDIOCY really IS the responsibility of Barack Obama. Obama is the ONLY PERSON who can rid of this RACIST IDIOCY. Because the reason for this racist idiocy is to help blacks get jobs, or at least to help Civil Rights lawyers make more money.

It's time for blacks to stop selling their souls for a few dollars. Blacks should be ones who are the most appalled at this whole built-in concept of "racial purity" being forced down America's throat by the Federal Government.

And the same thing with preferential admissions to universities.

Obama's election may very have a VERY unintended effect upon the Civil Rights/Affirmative Action Movement. It may virtually DESTROY it.

After all, if a black man can now become president, is there any justification whatsover for all of this "special help" to blacks?

Sorry, but I don't think so. It is time for America to go back to the way it used to be. The Federal and State governments should have no right whatsoever to even recognize or acknowledge a person's so-called "race".

That might cost black people a few bucks in the short run, but it would be well worth their while in the long run.


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