Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Friday, November 07, 2008

Joe Lieberman Is Still the Jewish Obama

Maybe you weren't around in 2000, but when Gore was mis-pronounced the winner, and Joe Lieberman became the first Jewish vice president, there were a LOT of Jews with tears in their eyes. It was exactly the same as Jessie Jackson on Tuesday night. Jews did not think that that could happen in their lifetime. And even with the loss of the electoral college, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote by 5 million votes. It was an ENORMOUS milestone for American Jews.

Of course, it didn't get the press that Obama has gotten. But fairness has not been the MSM's forte of late.

A few factors to consider: As a resident of South Florida, I can ASSURE you that most Jews have not been in love with Obama. First, he spit in their faces by not counting the primary vote, where their darling Hillary won 50%-37%. Can you IMAGINE what would have happened if OBAMA had won Florida by 50-37 and the DNC IGNORED it? Like RIOTING IN THE STREETS!!! RACIST PIGS IGNORE OBAMA! But since it was just stupid Hillary, who cares.

Second, his father was a Moslem, even if he is not. No Jew would view that without suspicion.

Third, he wants to pull out of Iraq and leave Israel to muddle thru on it's own (altho he doesn't say that).

But I think that Jews still voted for Obama because they tend to be liberal Democrats, especially in Florida. And McCain and the Republicans were attacking the Jewish pocketbook: Taxing health care benefits??? Was he INSANE? No universal health care. And then he had been involved in the attempt to add privatization to Social Security.

So, I do not by any means think that Lieberman is unpopular with Jews, but when a decision had to be made between Israel's security and their own security, it looks like Jews are looking more toward themselves.

Besides, the older WWII Jews, who saw Hitler in action, and who witnessed the birth of Israel, are now either dead or dying. Younger Jews tend to be less obsessed with Israel. Probably because they did not experience Hitler first hand. And also BECAUSE of people like Joe Lieberman, who showed that a Jew could (almost) become VP of the USA. That might even have helped OBAMA (but I am sure his followers would not admit that).

Additionally, Florida going to Obama has less to do with the Jews than with the MASSIVE increase in Haitian BLACKS in South Florida. There have been a HUGE number of Haitians, and other Caribbean blacks who have come to America in the past 20 years. Many are illegal, but their children are not, and they have come of age.

The Haitians have been FANATICAL supporters of Obama. They have always been 100% Democrats, now they are 1000% Democrats. And God only knows how much vote fraud there was down here. I couldn't prove it, but it was probably MASSIVE.

And even tho most Jews in South Florida have been lukewarm, or even hostile, to Obama, the Jewish superhero leaders embraced Obama: Robert Wexler and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. If those two had not been given leadership roles in the Obama campaign in Florida, Obama might very well have tanked amoung Jews.

To end their rambling rant, I would strongly advise against bashing Lieberman too much. It will interpreted by many Jews as anti-semitic, since Lieberman is still a Jewish icon. Like him or not. It would be like trashing Obama when he gets old. Good 'ol Joltin' Joe. God love 'im (as Biden would say).


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