Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Healthcare Contract With America

Obama needs to make a "Healthcare Contract with America". That is the only way that this idiotic healthcare debate can make any headway.

The current debate is idiotic, because Obama and the Democrats have not clearly defined WTF their healthcare bill IS. They have thrown a 1400-page boogger at the American People.

Here is how it SHOULD be done:

1. Make up a ONE PAGE Healthcare Contract With America. This document should say PRECISELY what the Healthcare bill is going to do. This CAN be done. It should also be ELECTRONIC and contain HYPERLINKS to additional sections that describe the full detail of how and why this should happen, including funding.

2. They can then have 1400 pages of supporting documentation and detail, but ALL of the 1400 pages must be tied into the outline defined on the ONE PAGE Healthcare Contract with America.

For example, the one page document would probably have the following statements with Outline numbers. Statements would be UNAMBIGUOUS:

I. Policy on Prescription drugs
II. Policy on Hospitalization
III. Policy on Public Option insurance (whatever THAT means)
IV. Policy on Choice of doctors
V. Policy on end of life counseling
VI. Policy on testing
VII. Funding requirements and where the money will come from.

If you were to click on any of the above hyperlinks, it would give you either additional information, or a selection of sub-hyperlinks.

When this one page, electronic, Healthcare Contract With America was complete, it would be made accessible to all Americans, along with some blog where comments could be recorded.

Of course, the Healthcare Contract With America would be a FIRST DRAFT. This would NOT by any means be the final version of the bill to be passed.

In truth, this is the approach that Obama SAID that he wanted. Obama repeatedly stated, during the campaign, that it is not what Obama wants that is important, but rather what YOU THE PEOPLE want that is important.

If the above approach is not adopted, then the 1400-page turd that is currently in Congress will almost certainly not pass. And if it does, it will the downfall of the Democrats. Hello 1994. Deja Vu all over again.

Draft 1: 8/26/09


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