Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Monday, March 22, 2010

Incompetent Handling of Healthcare Reform

Although I am a Democrat (more or less), watching the Democrats ramming thru so-called "Healthcare Reform" last night was really sickening. Truly, they have become Liberal Fascists. They have no interest in even hearing what the Republicans (about half of America) have to say. They are not interested in Republicans' thoughts or amendments, just their own poorly thought-out abortion of a bill.

I thought it was highly amusing that the Obama-loving media should tout this "victory" as a great Obama accomplishment. HA! This? Passing a bill with ZERO Republican votes is an "accomplishment"??? That's cute.

In fact, Obama could not even drum up 100% support from his own insipid, goose-steping Democrats. He had to furiously bribe and arm-twist just to get the necessary 216 victims to vote for this pile of stale pork.

It was also nauseating to listen to the endless LIES and half-truths of Obama and the Democrats. It was just endless populist pap, which was totally transparent to anyone with more than a 6th grade education.

We heard endlessly about how this would fix the "pre-existing conditions" problem with health insurance. A few thoughts:

1. If Obama and the Democrats had any brains, they would have limited the entire bill to the "pre-existing conditions" problem. It is, indeed, an enormously complex problem, and the Democrats' simple-minded solutions are almost certainly destined for years in the courts, probably reaching the Supreme Court, where the conservative majority will strike it down.

2. Having absolute ZERO Republican votes destins this bill to FUTILITY. Most of the local and state governments in this country, outside of the big cities, are run by Republicans and center-right Democrats. How do all of these exultant Liberal Fascist Democrats expect to implement and enforce this bill in those states?

Mainstream America is filled with Republican governors, Republican state legislatures and Republican State Supreme Courts. They'll do everything in their power to stonewall most of the bill. It's doomed to failure, at least for many years.

3. The bill is filled with pork and bribes. Louisiana Purchase, etc. If the bribes are taken away, the Democratic supporters of the bill will also drop their support.

4. The bill is extraordinarily POORLY thought-out. The IDIOTIC notion that you can force insurance companies to accept all people with pre-existing conditions shows that Obama knows NOTHING about business. This can only be done if insurance companies are allowed to MASSIVELY increase premiums. Otherwise they go out of business.

And if the GOVERNMENT wants to take over insurance, that makes it even MORE expensive than it is already. America is on the verge of bankruptcy. The dollar is coming to be worth little more than paper, but yet the ObaMORON spends and spends and spends and spends. He apparently thinks that "white pee-poe" have an infinite amount of money to give away to poor, oppresed black people. Like him and Oprah.

Poor oppressed Oprah! How does she manage to LIVE on a measely 2.5 billion dollars!!! Black people are all SO oppressed. And poor Michelle Obama! All of those years she had to scrape by on a mere 6 figure salary! All because she was forced to live in a country that she has never been proud of! How tragic!!!

I could go on for a few more thousand words, but I gotta get going. I shall return soon, to regurgitate more unpleasant observations.

Draft 1, 3/22/10


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