Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama Needs to DEFINE Healthcare Reform

The biggest reason that "Healthcare Reform" will probably fail is simply because the Obama people have not adequately defined and marketed the idea. They sit around blaming everybody and their mother-in-law, but it's their damn fault, and their own damn intellectual laziness.

I STILL do not know WTF so-called "Healthcare Reform" is. It's as bad as Obama's endless stupid chant of "Change" during the election. Change WHAT? Diaper change? Regime change? Spare change? Change for the better? Change for the worse? Change for the sake of change?

Obama and his people have WAFFLED so much on healthcare reform that they actually make John Kerry look a model of consistency.

First it was healthcare, now it's health insurance. DUH. The Insurance companies are the ones who are PAYING for all this crap! Why are the ObaMorons so busy bashing insurance companies? The high prices are not THEIR fault. They aren't the ones who are charging outrageous prices for drugs, medical facilities and medical services.

Apparently, Obama does not have the guts to criticize the people who set the prices.

The Democrats need to approach reform on a piece-by-piece basis, and not just with stupid government plans that cost trillions of dollars that the USA does NOT have.

What about supply-side solutions, like stimulating the economy by building more hospitals? Increasing the supply of hospitals is the ONLY way that the REAL price of hospital care will go down. You can't avoid supply and demand no matter how much you attempt to ignore it. Supply and demand is the 900 pound gorilla in the room.

The FIRST step in solving ANY problem is to break it down into manageable pieces. Apparently the various geniuses and czars in the White House never took Systems Analysis 101. I would highly recommend that they do so. Along with Business Administration 101 and Economics 101.

After breaking it down into managable pieces, you develop practical solutions that can be implemented.

If you do not take this approach, then you are pissing in the wind and will be rewarded accorgingly.

The ObaMorons have never taken this first step so they continue to blather on about this great, amorphous, undefined, piece of dog patootie call "Healthcare Reform".

Nobody knows what it is or what it does. Obama comes on TV (all networks) and tells us "the truth" of what it is. But nobody knows WTF he is blathering about, including himself.

Step 1: Develop an OUTLINE, with HYPERLINKS, to DEFINE every aspect of "Healthcare Reform". Put that on the Internet and let THE AMERICAN PEOPLE read it, study it, and debate it for a couple months.

From this can come some sort of plan that will be agreeable to most Americans. You can NOT pass any sort of meaningful reform if half of America (the Republicans) oppose you.

Even if the Dems manage to push a partisan bill thru Congress, I will GUARANTEE that they will be CRUCIFIED in 2010, and they will probably lose the presidency as well.

Obama needs to start acting the way he PROMISED to act during the campaign. Remember? "There are no red states and no blue states"? Remember? We are going to have transparency in Washington?

Isn't Obama going to do ANYTHING that he promised?


Anonymous Beatrix Bernadotte said...

Learn from Sweden

31/1/10 05:08  
Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

The problem is that what Obama likes to call "Healthcare Reform" is not really healthcare reform.

Obamaites say "how can you oppose healthcare reform", as if the Porculous Bill in the Senate is "healthcare reform". The Porculous bill is Pork. It makes no sense and would be a disaster.

Obama and the Democrats have totally blown it on Healthcare. They had a magnificent opportunity with their super-majority and the White House, but they blew it thru sheer incompetence.

They have some dim chance of passing something before 2010, but who knows. They need to focus on specific issues, like astronomic drug costs, astronomic hospital costs, etc.

3/2/10 10:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, laugh at your blunt/witty statements or cry at the raw TRUTH. I was searching through random blogs and stumbled upon yours. You should run for Congress ;)

4/3/10 09:38  

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