Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Movie Was HORRIBLE

OK, how do you F-up a rubber duck? Go see Disney's movie rendition of Alice in Wonderland. Horrible. Awful. Terrible. Disappointing.

The actors were very disappointing. I was looking for the passion of Bellatrix Lestrange and what they presented was an actress in a straitjacket. They didn't even let her do anything. They dressed her up in some bizarre make-up and had her yell "off with his head" in an unconvincing way. Pretty dismal.

Johnny Depp just looked weird. I don't even know what role he was playing in Alice in Wonderland. Disappointing, since I usually like him.

Then Professor Snape was the Caterpillar, where he was fairly good, but not bad.

What I found perverted about this movie is that lately film-makers seem to have some compulsion to make EVERYTHING into some idiot action/Harry Potter movie. Alice in Wonderland is NOT Harry Potter! And it is not an adventure with wars and battles, etc.

Why couldn't they just do a remake of Alice in Wonderland? That has been a hit since the 1860's. Why change it now?

They tried to make it some sort of Harry Potter movie, which it isn't.

And another movie they perverted was Sherlock Holmes. I'm a fan of Arthur Conan Doyle, and I am sure he would turn over in his grave from that AWFUL, HORRIBLE, movie!

Holmes was super suave and sophisticated, solving problems through logic, evidence and thought. In the horrible Sherlock Holmes movie, he became some sort of James Bond/Incredible Hulk.

What is with Hollywood people nowadays? Do they think that we are all complete NUMBSKULLS??? Do they think that we are incapable of enjoying a movie unless there is blood and guts and gore and fighting and violence? Do they think that we are all too STUPID to appreciate the subtle humor in Alice or the brilliance in Sherlock Holmes?

Both of these movies totally VIOLATED the names that they borrowed on.

4 rotten tomatoes for each of those movies.

Draft 1: 6/25/10


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