Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kendrick Meek and Florida Problems

Obama is as phony as a $3 bill. In the Democratic primary, political newcomer Jeff Greene had an excellent chance to get the nomination away from super-loser Kendrick Meek.

But Obama came down here to Florida and twisted arms, and dragged along a bunch of Democrat Bigwigs to push Kendrick Meek over the top into the nomination.

Why? Obama isn't a moron. He knew Meek never stood a chance. But Obama cares about one thing: Obama.

So Obama came down to Florida to pander to his rabid black supporters to solidify his position in 2012. He didn't care about who would win the Florida Senate seat.

Jeff Greene was impressively smart. If he had been nominated, Charlie Crist might have been squeezed out and the Democrats would have had a chance. Right now Marco Rubio is winning with under 50% of the vote and regular-Democrat Meek is polling an ASTOUNDINGLY low 15%!

As if all of that were not bad enough, Obama has been down here AGAIN recently to campaign for super-loser Meek (and hand more votes to Rubio).

Plus, former Pervert-in-chief Clinton came down here recently to campaign for Meek. Why? Hill-uh-ree! Hill-uh-ree! Gotta suck up to those black votes. Pander to their delusions that Meek has some prayer of winning, which he doesn't.

The question is: How long can a party SURVIVE after they lose all contact with reality? Because that appears to be the case with the Democratic party in Florida.

If the regular Democratic candidate for the Senate comes in with 15% of the vote, in a swing state like Florida, then something is SERIOUSLY wrong. And if it is not corrected, the Democratic Party may have a limited future in Florida.

Of course, this has to be added-on to the fact that Floridians voted for HILLARY over Obama by a margin of 50% to 37% in the 2008 Democrat Primary. But DNC honchos and black racists decided to ignore that. I found that OUTRAGEOUS.

If the Democrats want to survive in Florida, they better get off their delusional liberal cloud and start paying some attention to what the people of the 4th most populous state want. And it is decidedly NOT Kendrick Meek!!!

The only way that Kendrick Meek could salvage his political future would be to now throw his support to Charlie Crist. Then he would be a hero, and would have a chance to save face.


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