Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kendrick Meek Should Drop Out of FL Senatorial Race

Meek is a DIMWIT not to quit, but for some reason, he continues. Curiously, the bigwig Democrats have encouraged his madness. Meek would have lost to Jeff Greene if Obama had not come down to Florida to boost him, not to mention Obama arm-twisting other bigwig Democrats to come down here to back Meek.

Now, unbelievably, CLINTON is down here supposedly backing Meek. But what both Obama and Clinton are REALLY doing is simply sucking-up to the black vote in Florida, in preparation for 2012.

Both Obama and Clinton are WAY too smart to actually believe that Meek has the tiniest chance of winning. They are both following THEIR OWN agendas. How do you say HILL-UH_REE, HILL-UH-REE. As if a political genius like Clinton actually believes that Meek has a chance! HA! Meek is a fool.

This election is also a continuation and a manifestation of the fact that the Democratic Florida primaries are a JOKE.

I am still FURIOUS that my vote for Hillary in the 2008 Democratic primary was IGNORED, so that those FASCISTS could ram Obama down our throats, even tho Florida voted for Hillary 50-37%.

And now the same DNC FASCISTS have attempted to ram Meek down Florida Democrats’ throats. But guess what? They puked him out!

Meek is going to LOSE by the most embarrassing margin in recent history. It is almost UNTHINKABLE that a Florida Democratic senatorial candidate can garner no more that 20%!!!

But rather than save themselves that extreme humiliation, and also possibly save themselves from wingnut Rubio, “the big fool says to push on”.

What a JERK! This may even signal the near-death of the Florida Democratic Party. 20%?!?!?! They’re roadkil


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