Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Monday, February 04, 2008


Teddy Kennedy is a medium. He has channelled the thoughts of JFK and determined that JFK would vote for Wonderboy. But could he also channel the thoughts of another very important dead person? Yes, MARY JO KOPECHNE.

Gee, I wonder if Mary Jo Kopechne would also endorse Obama?

And how about William Kennedy Smith? Who is HE endorsing? Seeing as how every Kennedy alive and dead seems to be endorsing a candidate, who is the choice of rapists? Does anybody care about rapists' rights?

But it was good to see that Maria Shriver is still alive. I thought that Ahnoold had fucked her to death. After spending the last 20 years giving birth to 7 little Republicans, she emerges from her kitchen to tell the Democratic Party who to nominate. Talk about sleeping with the enemy.

But I certainly won't say anything bad about the Holy Virgin Caroline, whose father, JFK, art in heaven. The Holy Virgin Caroline has conferred with her father, JFK, who art in heaven, and determined definitively that he would vote for Wonderboy.

Oprah says that she isn't endorsing Wonderboy because he's black, but rather because he's brilliant. Gimme a break. How many brilliant crackers has she endorsed lately?

And truth be told, President Clinton is more brilliant than Wonderboy by a country mile. He could also get us out of this recession, rather than just sitting around and gas-bagging about it.

To conclude, if there any additional Kennedys, alive or dead, who plan to give any more endorsements, please do so now.

And you know, as a DISENFRANCHISED Florida Democrat, whose vote doesn't mean SHIT, I find it rather interesting that people are more interested in how every Kennedy and their mother-in-law feels, and that they are totally uninterested in how Florida and Michigan Democrats feel.

Draft 2: 2/4/08

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