Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I strongly suspect that the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy (VRC) is funding Obama. Why is that? Because he will be extremely easy to defeat. It is highly unlikely that he would be receiving such large amounts of money at this point if he were not getting money from Republican multi-billionaires.

Half of the battle to win the election is to get the other party to nominate a loser. And Obama is a loser. Consider what the campaign will be like.

His name alone is enough to destroy him in mainstream America. Whites don't like people using African names, and they particularly don't like having a president with an African name.

Also, strikingly, within his name are the names of the two most hated and feared enemies of the USA: Sadam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Osama rhymes with Obama, and Hussein is his middle name. This is something that radio talk shows will harp on endlessly.

There is also an inherent distrust of people who do not Americanize their names. Many Americans have come here from foreign countries where their families had strange names. But they Americanized them.

Americanizing one's name is a sign that one loves America and wants to blend into it. Obama's un-American name indicates a resistance to, and a dislike of, American culture. Most Americans don't like that. It also indicates that Obama is too uncompromising.

His handlers have now started calling him BHO, which may or may not work. His detractors call him B.O.

His being black is going to be serious problem with many whites. But more than the problem of being black is the problem of carrying along all of the baggage of the aging Civil Rights movement.

Most white Americans have grown tired of so-called "equal opportunity". Integrating schools has lowered their quality. Integrating neighborhoods has turned them black and introduced street gangs. Forced integration of our great universities has seriously lowered their academic standards.

Most whites, even liberals, are fed up with "equal opportunity" and would like to see it all scrapped. Let's face it. The Civil Rights movement has succeeded. And it is time to dismantle it and to treat all Americans the same.

When the Civil Rights movement started, Jackie Robinson was not allowed to play in the major leagues. Today, a disproportionally large percentage of athletes are black and many are making multi-million dollar salaries. Do they need HELP from the government? Does Oprah Winfrey need HELP from the government? Does Obama need help from the government?

No. Its time to scrap all of that shit and simply treat all Americans the same.

But if Obama is elected, you can be sure that all of that politically correct "equal opportunity" bullshit will be everywhere. The Obama campaign is already burdened with endless politically correct bullshit. People are sick of political correctness.

We know little of Obama's background. His Rezko (sic) buddy was arrested this week. He admits to youthful indiscretions and drug use. The Republicans will drag all of that out.

Altho he is a Christian, he has a MUSLIM name. It will be easy for the Evangelical leaders to spread fear in this regard. They will say that he is secretly a Muslim Fundamentalist, which is why he wants to pull out of Iraq so quickly. They will call him Osama Bin Hussein.

His name will speak louder than his disclaimers. They will never trust him and their fear could reach a fever pitch. It is not good to energize the Evangelicals to a fever pitch against the Democrats.

This is why I say that the Republicans are secretly funding Obama. Obama is a Rush Limbaugh wet dream.

As opposed to Hillary and Bill, who are a known quantity, they can say that once Osama Bin Hussein has seized the White House, he will use it to destroy Christian and American values.

The fact that he has never Americanized his name proves that he hates America and that he loves the evil Muslim Fundamentalists who are the foremost enemy of America in the 21st century, per McCain.

Additionally, Obama is too liberal. He says that he is not really a liberal or a conservative. But he believes in things like Universal Health care and an immediate pullout from Iraq. These are totally liberal ideas which are not in tune with the general population.

Universal Health care is not extremely popular, since the huge additional burden it will place on the Health Care System may deprive whites of services.

He was a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago. The Republicans will play this up as communist behavior. He probably has connections to Jessie Jackson, who is hardly popular in mainstream America, outside of blackest South Carolina.

There is his work for the slumlord, which will cause his base to doubt him.

There are his youthful indiscretions and drug use. He has pooh-poohed these, but you can be sure that Rush Limbaugh will not.

Considering all of the above, I think that it would be INSANE for the Democratic Party to nominate Obama at this time. It is particularly the case since Hillary and Bill could very likely win the election.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought this post was a long joke it was so funny...
i cannot wait until obama wins..

20/10/08 08:53  
Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

It's not a joke. I still stand by it. But Obama has been EXTREMELY LUCKY on several counts. He was LOSING until the economy crashed. At this point, a trained monkey could win the election if he were a Democrat. The question is whether Obama is as smart as a trained monkey.

Secondly, the "dream ticket", Hillary/Obama, would be ahead by about 70% at this point. It would not be the close race that it is with Obama/Biden.

Thirdly, he is lucky that he is running against someone as noble and gentlemanly as John McCain, who has rejected much of the intensely negative campaigning that many Republicans would like.

Obama is EXTREMELY LUCKY that he is not running against Mitt Romney, who would have eaten Obama alive.

Obama is also lucky that Hillary was willing to simply roll over and quit, rather than taking the fight to the convention floor, where she might very well have won. LARGE NUMBERS of Democrats dislike Obama.

21/10/08 08:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides, if you want to go back in history, OBAMA has said a LOT of things that he has flipped-flopped on.

Campaign finance reform is one of the biggies. He raked in $150 million this month, and I refuse to believe that that all comes from "the pee-poe" sending in $10 checks to their beloved Black Jesus.

Just yesterday, Obama was blathering about how he wanted to make sure that they count the votes in Florida.

Well, he didn't much care about THAT during the PRIMARY, when everybody voted for HILLARY. What a BS artist Obama is. Unreal.

Well, maybe the a-hole will win. I suppose he won't screw up the country too much more than Bush did. Altho, I could well be wrong on THAT prediction.

21/10/08 09:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I would get mad, but it is politically incorrect or I might get mistaken for a mad black American. I read your article and strangely I agree about funding. The whole right wing conspiracy thingy doing the funding is totally off. I wonder who is funding him, but I wonder who is funding Mccain as well. When I look at the amount of money on hand and earned by both parties. It is a lot of money either way. Something like money corrupts....I forgot. Yes I am black but during my tour in Iraq. I am American foremost! Semper Fi. There seems to be alot of double standards out there but to even things out a little bit, I feel it is unfair to say all black Americans will vote for another black American. That is the same as saying that a white person would vote for any white person. Hopefully people will vote not based on color but for the good of our country. Soon as that occurs the goodness of America will shine. I can't stand hate. That's why I went to fight it in Iraq and came back home severely disabled. No big deal, it happens when your willing to die for our flag. Our flag is good enough for my American Indian roots, my African roots and my white roots. It's good for all people who are American. It's also good enough to give me a firm belief in god and the good in all people. I'm a new generation of Democrat after my stint. I lived in Liberal countries only to find out that a true Liberal cares so much about him or herself nothing gets done and the lands get destroyed, but individual greed and selfishness. But being in conservative countries also taught me a thing about that as well. Conservative countries are quick to judge but don't adhere to the word of god. Judge ye not..... How can anyone grow spiritually if they are not first correcting there own faults and leave the true commander and chief to judge each of us individually? I am full of flaws and Iraq is a cakewalk compared to changing my attitude.

I hope when I vote for Obama, he turns out to be a good man to his country first and then to his people...Indian, Jew, Black, White all people. I've seen enough hate, lies, and fear to last me a lifetime and all I want is a little peace for my family and myself.

I'm not telling who to vote for, I think I fought for the freedom of the American people to do that and it cost me 2 arms and a leg;)

I don't want welfare and don't get it. If I could have anything back, it would be a good nights rest! I've been up for awhile and man is it loney in those wee hours of the morning. I loved my work as a computer engineer, but typing with teeth gets kinda hard, belive me. It's just when I read this article I figured I had to type something. In countries with no hope or propaganda things get out of control fast.

Using logic not race as my guide I see a better America, less welfare and more jobs. How?? Well for black Americans with no father, it gives the stereotypical black American a person of color to compare themselves with. Not a rapper or gangster, which in turn gives people hope. That leads to change. Personal change. Which will promote growth acceptance and self reliance. Maybe an easier way to that personal growth is to do 2 tours of duty. After that, I guarantee America will never look the same, nor will hate be the first thing that comes to mind. Compassion and god is what I think of. Thank god I made it and thank god he/she was compassionate enough to let me see my family again. What can I do after my prayers were answered but to offer every one else that same compassion I was blessed with. Catholic school and the nuns tried to teach me that in high school and college but I just wouldn't listen:)

On your side I think some of the comment made to you were were wrong. Democrat, Republican....America land of the free. I don't criticize your beliefs nor mock your assumptions. DEMOCRATS! Remember free speech?

You get out of America whatever you put into it. Democrats and Republicans that haven't served in some other countries don't even get the right to vote! I think that is unfair. But I kinda seen a slightly better respect for thier countries and country men. I think I see things a little more clearly after my tours. But, I also see slightly less freedom in those countries as well. I think freedom outranks experience Vote from not listing to a radio but researching with an open mind and vote with your family and freedom in mind.
God Bless America!

24/10/08 02:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with the whites this and the whites that. I am white, are you telling me how I should feel. If all Americans should be treated the same and we should get rid of the civil rights bullshit, why do you keep saying whites this and whites that. Obama has enough reasons for me not to support him, but when people talk like you do about their own race so holier than thou it just shows their ignorance and true color, yes I said it color. And that color is hatred and racism.

1/11/08 19:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...what does hat actually taste like ?

A man is judged by his actions, to get a perspective on this to a little action and read.


4/11/08 17:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I'm not Nostra-fucken-damus. Big fucken deal. January 30 was a long time ago. I certainly don't plan to eat any hats.

Also, I STILL believe that Hillary/Obama would have been a BIGGER landslide then Obama alone.

Obama was NOT a landslide. He STILL lost virtually all of the South. Which Bill Clinton might have picked up for Hillary.

Additionally, Obama failed to pick up the 60 seats necessary in the Senate.

When I made my prediction, the stock market was still at, what, 14000?

At this point, Mickey Fucken Mouse could have won the election by a landslide. So I wouldn't spend too much time gloating over Barack Hussein Obama's big victory.

Mickey Mouse could have done just as well. And before the crash, he was fucken LOSING to McCain/Palin.

And by the way, Palin has MORE experience than your buddy Obama, Mr. Gloater.

However, I am pleased that you have read thru so much of my crap. that is very flattering. But I confess, I am not Nostra-fucken-Damus, and occasionally (but not very often) I may be wrong.

Jack W. Orf

6/11/08 09:09  

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