Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Friday, April 18, 2008

The ABC Debates + Banned in Boston

Wow! I have been banned from commenting by the Huffington Post! Can you believe that? What a bunch of ObaFascists!

They just BAN anybody who criticizes their stupid little monkey of a candidate. Obama is such a CREEP.

Now Obama is CRYBABYING because ABC asked him a couple halfway difficult questions at the debate! Unbelievable. These ObaFascists are totally TOTALITARIAN!

What's he going to do when he has to debate McCain? Cry?

Banned from the Huffington Post! Unbelievable! Apparently they only allow people who suck Obama's weiner. yecccchhhh!

The ABC debate was the first halfway decent debate that they have had in a long time. They had PODIUMS again, which was GREAT. Enough of that love-in crap. The CNN debates SUCKED.

The CNN debates were more like a DATE than a DEBATE. I thought that the 2 of them were going to start making love on stage. Another first: The first pornographic debate, between the first woman and the first black.

Well, the Huffington Post SUCKS anyway. Whenever I would post there, there would say, "Your comment is too long by 434 words. Please delete 90% of your message and present a pre-digested sound bite favorable to Mr ObaMoron."

F them. I'll just write things here. Intelligent people can come here to read things. All the news they need.

Draft 1: 4/18/08.


Blogger Hoosier said...

Don't feel bad - I just got banned from the Huffington Post also. Why?
I commented on a recent White Male bashing/pro Obama hate piece which actually said, "And when I say people, I don't mean people, I mean white men," which implied in the article that white men are subhuman.

What did I do to get banned? I simply mirrored their hatred back at them, and pointed out some facts about underachieving blacks in response to a comment about underachieving whites, and that was that. So much for dissenting opinions, or "controversial statements" that they give lavish lip service to.

There were a bunch of nitwut comments made that I couldn't respond to, in reply to my post, of course. The whole thread was an orgy of hate mongering and bigotry.

I've argued with liberals before, and I've come to the tentative conclusion that to be a liberal, you have to be:

a. a patholocial liar
b. really stupid
c. both

There are few if any other possibilities that I can see. Take care.

23/4/08 13:52  

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