Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are Dems Causing the Crash?

Here's a thought. Just how much are the DEMOCRATS causing the Stock Market crash through all of their negative rhetoric and wishing for a crash to gain votes?

Let's face it. Obama has moved from being behind in the polls to being ahead in the polls purely on the basis of the Stock Market crash. How much of that was precipitated by he and other Democrats?

I believe that this is a LEGITIMATE concern. We know that the market runs on CONFIDENCE. And how has Obama helped confidence? Absolute ZERO!

When McCain came out and RESPONSIBLY said that "the economy is fundamentally strong", which is a statement that ANY grown-up, RESPONSIBLE, American leader would make (even tho it's a white lie); Obama immediately came back and pounded him to death.

Obama: "The American economy is fundamentally sound? HA! The American economy is a piece of dog poop! It is horrible. It is terrible! It has endless problems! Etc, etc., ad nauseum.

What genius Obama doesn't seem to realize, or doesn't seem to CARE about, is that the USA owes TRILLIONS of dollars to people all over the world who only keep their money in the USA they believe that the US economy is "fundamentally sound".

And what does "genius boy" Obama DO? He announces to tens of millions of people, all over the world, that the U.S. economy is a piece of CRAP! That it is UNSOUND. That it is on the verge of collapse.

How much DAMAGE has "genius boy" Obama DONE in this manner, with his big IDIOTIC, IRRESPONSIBLE mouth? Probably ENORMOUS. He is respected around the world. And here he is talking to rich Arabs, through his commercials, telling them that the U.S. economy is UNSOUND!!! What an IMBECILE!!! And the REST of the Democratic Party are equally IMBECILIC and IRRESPONSIBLE.

The only thing that these Democrat CREEPS care about is getting elected!

Curiously, the BEST leadership in getting us out of this crisis has come from BUSH, who is supposedly the great villain. Obama has just sat around with his thumb up his wazoo taking potshots at anybody who sticks his neck out to try to restore CONFIDENCE in the economy.

GROW UP, OBAMA!!! Grow up, Democrats! Your responsibility to America and the American People is more important than getting votes.

Somebody should tell that IDIOT Obama to keep his big, stupid YAP SHUT about how "bad" the economy. Time to tell some white lies. Telling white lies is part of RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP.

Do you scream at your kid at Christmastime and tell him "There is no Santa Claus, you stupid little FOOL"!!! No, you tell him that there is a Santa Claus because that is important to him and he can't deal with it otherwise. GROWN-UPS KNOW that there are times when you tell white lies. That doesn't make you a "liar". It makes you a wise leader who knows that sometimes lies are necessary.


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