Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

A Debate Strategy for Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is a GREAT speaker, but a HORRIBLE debater/interviewee. It looks like her greatest problem seems to be that she feels some compulsion to answer all questions, even ones for which she doesn't know the answer. In other words, to bullshit when she doesn't know the answer.

That really killed her in the Couric interviews. When Couric asked her about "what other Supreme Court decisions she disagreed with", she should have said one of the following:
1. I would have to research that further. I would disagree with any decisions that stray from the original intent of the constitution.
2. Which did you have in mind?
3. Which would you suppose that I disagree with?


First off, Palin should state her admiration for Biden's long record and his superior knowledge of Washington insider information.

Biden's greatest strength is also his greatest vulnerability: His 30 year record. There are probably dozens of votes that appear to be contradictory if taken out of context. And of course, they MUST be taken out of context.

Palin and the Republicans should make up a detailed list of all Biden votes, over the past 30 years, that contradict his current positions or the positions of Obama. Palin needs to MEMORIZE this list and use it endlessly.

This will make Biden defensive, ANGRY and LOQUACIOUS. He will start talking voluminously in order to defend his record. He will explain his logic in huge detail which will be extremely BORING and make him look evasive and defensive.

And of course, the more he talks, the more likely he will make a gaff, and the more likely he will be HONEST. Because honestly, Biden is really not that much of an Obama fan.

Confront Biden on why he suddenly thinks that Obama is qualified, when he considered him to be "inexperienced" in the primaries.

Most importantly, Palin should work very hard to disguise her vast ignorance. She should basically be as TERSE as possible, and stick to MESSAGE.

This is what Bush did very successfully in previous debates. He disguised his ignorance by simply barfing back MESSAGE whenever asked any question.

For example, if asked what specific Supreme Court decisions she disagrees with, she should generate a specific MESSAGE, like "any that violate the original intent of the constitution." "Any that voilate the Bill of Rights", like decisions to deprive people of their second amendment rights. Etc.

She must thoroughly memorize all-purpose, generic MESSAGE answers that can be used as answers to questions. If anybody comes back and says "that doesn't answer my question", then she should say "I just ANSWERED your question".

Viewers won't care too much. Facial expressions, body language and humor are very important. She should never lose her cool and remain always Tina Fey-like, while Biden goes off the deep end in total frustration, from trying to convince a potato that he is right.

She must be EXTREMELY complimentary and female to Biden, since Biden is very gallant and gentlemanly.

So it should be an interesting game.


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