Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

McCain Should Drop Out

Here's an idea. McCain should drop out and let Mitt Romney take his place. Why not? McCain is a goner. His plane has been shot down and he's floating to the ground in his parachute. He's a goner.

Why not give Mitt Romney a chance at a Hail Mary? He probably SHOULD have been the candidate, but dorky Huckabee split the conservative vote.

Mitt Romney is an impressive guy: Valedictorian at Brigham Young, graduate Cum Laude from Harvard with a dual MBA/Law degree, FANTASTICALLY successful in business, governor of liberal Massachusetts, a tough debater.

I've always thought that Mitt Romney LOOKS the most presidential of anyone.

I really HATE the idea of Obama as President. He is to inexperienced, too arrogant and too RACIST. Yes, he is a BLACK RACIST.

Why hasn't McCain hammered Obama on the 20 years of his attending BLACK RACIST Church? Going on Farrakhan's millon man march? McCain's a fool. He's been nice to Obama, and Obama has destroyed him, just he destroyed Hillary. Slandered them to death.

Obama is SUCH a complete SLEEZEBALL. But I'll probably still vote for him, since the Repubs aren't offering any choice. McCain seems totally out of touch on this economic crisis. Mitt Romney would be GOOD on it.

Sarah Palin has SPIRIT and inate intelligence. But she does not have any sort of real political intelligence. She will probably acquire it, but doesn't have it now.

Yeah, McCain should come up with some lame excuse to drop out, and then pick Mitt Romney to take over. He could say that his cancer has come back and his head is about to explode.

McCain's only chance at this point is total, THERMO-NUCLEAR negative advertising.

I am still AMAZED that they haven't hammered more on Wright. A couple months ago I was sure that the Republicans would try to acquire every audio tape and every video tape that Jeremiah Wright ever made. I'm sure that there would be DOZENS of "Gawd Dayum Amayreekah" moments there. But McCain hasn't touched that, and he SHOULD have.

The WORST part of Obama attending Wright's church for 20 years is that Obama must have forged deep friendships with many, many BLACK RACISTS at the church. How many of these black racists will Obama pick for important posts in his administration? How many other black racists will those black racists hire?

I'm sick of all these people who think that the only kind of racism is white racist. Black racism is just as bad when blacks reach a presidential level.


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