Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

More on the Palin-Biden Debate

Palin is an extremely talented speaker. She is just as charismatic as Obama. But she is AWFUL when discussing issues. All the Democrats really have to do is to pin her down to detailed knowledge, since she doesn't have much detailed knowledge outside of Alaska issues.

Her best approach is to imitate Bush and ALWAYS "answer" IN-MESSAGE. Which is to say, don't answer at all. Her handlers should absolutely and positively PROHIBIT her from having ANY interviews with anybody to the left of Sean Hannity. Unless, possibly, they provide a pre-arranged list of questions, with editing rights. Live interviews? NO WAY.

Left alone, she is worse than Biden in yakkity yak. She apparently feels that she must provide some BS answer for every question, when it would be much better to simply say "I don't know" , or just spew some "message".

For example, when asked about "other Supreme Court decisions", she could have simply said "I oppose reconstructionist decisions which are inconsistent with the ideas of our founding fathers." Or, I oppose any decision that violates the basic rights of American citizens, like their God given right to bear arms. Good stuff. Pure BS.

Her best strategy would be to have thoroughly researched Biden's 30 year record and to have memorized every vote that he made that contradicted an opinion that he currently holds. I'm sure that there are MANY, which is why Senators rarely get elected President.

In this way, Palin can put Biden on the defensive and get him into a talkative mood, where he will try desperately to explain away every contradictory vote or contradictory statement he has made in the past 30 years, while Palin has no record to protect. Except the Bridge to Nowhere and Troopergate.

With Biden in Verbose Mode, he can not only be counted on to make gaffs, but he will also eat up the time. Ideally, Palin should say as little as possible all evening. Let it be all about Biden attempting to defend his 'dismal" record of 30 years of contradictory votes as a Washington insider. While Palin is as fresh and pure as the driven snow of Alaska.


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