Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Why the World Isn't Flat

The world is not flat.

We are told today that we must compete on an even playing field with countries like India and China. This is enormously unfair to Americans.

When Americans pay high taxes to support our troops as "the world's policeman", Americans are much like the Jews under Hitler who were forced to dig their own graves. We are paying huge taxes to support the machinery of a global empire. But yet we in turn are getting excluded from the benefits of this empire, because the treasonous chieftains of America's corporate elite view American workers as "too expensive".

Do you see the absurdity of this? We are first of all the ones who CREATED the infrastructure of the "flat" world through American Big Government paid for by "expensive", highly-taxed, American workers. But then we are told that we are "too expensive", so the jobs are all being outsourced to India and China.

The people of India, who are taking away American jobs by the truckload, pay no taxes to support America and pay no taxes to support the massively expensive machinery that keeps the "global market" operational.

To put it in other terms, would we have a "flat world" or "global market" if Hitler had won World War II? Or even if Stalin had won WWII? Or the Japanese?

The Japanese turned China into a giant slave-labor plantation during WWII. The Germans did the same thing in their conquered territory, and they planned to turn the entirety of Eastern Europe and Russia into one gigantic slave plantation.

Do you get my drift?

I am not yet able to put this into words, but the idea that this is some sort of "flat world", where America and India are on a par, is the height of absurdity. American big business leaders have adopted treason as their business model. Whether or not they are sincere, they seem to be oblivious to everything except greed and cheap labor.

This is an idea that must be developed and sharpened laser-sharp for the 2008 election. It is difficult to articulate. It is an explosive issue that has not been properly focused upon and it is actually far more important than the Iraq debate.

Draft 1: 2/13/07


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