Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Imus Guilty of Third-Degree Attempted Hipness

There is a double standard in America today. Black comedians and black rappers are allowed to use the N-word, and they are also allowed to use words like bitch and hole. Unfortunately, WHITE MALES, otherwise known as "honky motherf__kers", are NOT allowed to use these words.

The only exception to this rule are whites who are VERY hip. This might include negro-impersonators like M&M.

Imus, on the other hand, is a white dude. Although he is relatively hip for an old white dude, he is DEFINITELY not hip enough to call black, female, amazon, basketball players "nappy headed holes".

This was not a RACIST remark. It was a feeble attempt to be a hip negro-impersonator, like M&M. It was an embarrassing failure. Imus is far too intelligent to be a negro-impersonator. Negro-impersonators, of course, do not impersonate intelligent negroes. They only impersonate dumb/hip negroes who are high on crack.

But consider the reaction if Chris Rock had said exactly the same thing as Imus. That's right. A deafening silence. There would not have BEEN any reaction. That's because Chris Rock is a hip black comedian and can say anything he wants. Chris Rock could have called the women "a mean bunch of N-word holes" and all of the blacks in the audience would have laughed uproariously. That is because the ARE a bunch of mean N-word holes, and blacks RESPECT mean n-word holes.

So I would agree that Imus was guilty of first-degree attempted hipness, and he probably deserves a 2-week suspended sentance, with one year of probabation. This will teach him to stay IN HIS PLACE, as a honky motherf__ker, and not to go around acting as if he is some sort of hip black dude.

However, I would not agree that Imus is a racist. In fact, Imus is much LESS racist then most white TV commentators. He is one of the very, very few radio personalities in the USA who has not either been naturally or artificially lobotimized. So I will miss him. Imus is one of the very, very few commentators on radio or TV who is actually worth listening to.

If Al Sharpton is so concerned about racist remarks, why is he not disturbed at the lyrics of black rappers on the radio, who regularly use words like bitch, pimp, hole and the N-word? These same black rappers regularly encourage young blacks to even commit crimes. Why does Al Sharpton not favor a nationwide boycott of radio stations that broadcast rappers who use the N-word in their lyrics?

Don't black leaders get it? If it is OK for black rappers and black comedians to use the N-word, then why should it not be OK for HONKY comedians use the N-word? If black leaders want to stop the use of the N-word, they need to enforce this ban on black comedians and black rappers as well. Otherwise, the entire protest is not only indicative of a double standard, but it is also totally futile.


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