Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

My 2 cents on the Oscars

Helen Mirren best actress - I agree. "The Queen" was a great movie. However, the True "best supporting actress" was really Lady Di. The image and remembrance of Lady Di, and her tremendous charisma, helped to make "The Queen" a great movie.

"The Departed" as best movie. I strongly disagree. See my previous post "The Depart Disappoints". I thought that it was a rather pointless, boring and uninteresting bloodbath. It was way below Scorcese's abilities.

Maybe Scorcese just needs Italian actors, like De Niro and Pesci. Scorcese without De Niro is like a hamburger without french fries. Scorcese seems to have adopted Di Caprio as the new De Niro, but he isn't very convincing. Di Caprio may be half Italian, but he doesn't seem like it. Nothing personal, but he just doesn't seem Italian.

However, Martin Scorcese definitely deserved an Oscar for Best Director for his previous works. In fact, this would seem to be a massive embarrassment for the Academy that a giant like Martin Scorcese had never previously won a best director award. Who beat him out in the years that "Taxi Driver" or "Good Fellas" or "Casino" or "Mean Streets" were produced? Can you even remember what movies those were?

My vote for "Best Picture"? "The World Trade Center". By a mile. That movie was the best movie that I've seen in the past five years!!! But yet it did not get one single nomination? Why?

I think POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Hollywood is following the fashion of being anti-Bush and anti-war, and they don't want to bring up any "inconvenient truths" about WHY there is a freeking war in Iraq. They just want to tell us that all those freeking murderous Arabs are just sweet little innocent cupcakes who wouldn't hurt a fly.

So that is the reason why "The World Trade Center" was pointedly ignored. The people who ignored this movie are probably the same people who ignored Scorcese for all those years.

Personally, I think that the Oscars should be at least partly based on a nationwide popularity poll. Instead of having a bunch of pea-brained idiots decide what the "Best Movie" is, based upon revenue projections and political correctness, it would be better to listen to the American people.

Look at what happened when we didn't listen to the American people in November of 2000, and instead listened to a bunch of Supreme Court judges: We got George Fucken Bush.

First fucken draft: 2/26/07


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