Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Platform of the MyUSA Party

I've decided to start a new political party. For now, we'll call it the "MyUSA" Party. Here is the initial platform:

1. The creation of "The Watchdogs of Democracy". This is a central feature in the resurrection of true American democracy. The Watchdogs would be a third house of congress that would have no actual powers except to have oversight over the rest of the U.S. Government.

This third house would follow the initial constitutional rule that each representative will represent no more than 30,000 people. So there will be approximately 7,000 representatives. This will provide direct representation to virtually all Americans, and will do a great deal to dilute the powers of the lobbyists, special interests and super-rich.

Apportionment: To avoid the idiotically corrupt apportionment fiasco in the current Congress, this third house would be apportioned by a random computer model.

The algorithm is fairly simple: Take all of the zipcodes in the particular state. Initially assign 1 representative to each zipcode. If a zipcode contains less than 30,000 people, then limit the area to one part of the zipcode that contains 30,000 people. Assign an additional seat to the remaining part of the zipcode.

If the zipcode contains less than 30,000 people, then add on a contiguous zipcode (randomly selected). After hundreds of iterations, each state would be divided into contiguous areas each containing exactly 30,000 people, and these areas would be selected by random selection techniques.

Once selected, elections can be held, by private means (this does not have to be approved by the government), and the representatives would be sent to Washington. Since this Watchdog group would not be part of the government, all revenue would come from private contributions.

2. The elimination of income taxes for people with incomes below $50,000 per year. People with incomes of 50K to 1 Million would remain the same. Incomes above that would be taxed at progressively higher rates. Multi-billionaires would be taxed at a 75% rate.

This would provide an enormous stimulation to the economy, and it would put money at the grassroots level, where the economy could truly "grow". Bush and the Republicans like to bullshit the term "growing the economy", but in reality, they "trample" the economy, since they funnel all of the money to the very rich, who spend the money on bullshit, rather than what is really necessary.

3. "Off shore" foreign workers working by telephone for American complanies would now be required to have green cards. They are currently sharing in the wealth of the American economy while paying nothing in return.

4. America will no longer be the "volunteer" policeman of the world. If other nations want the assistance of American security forces they will have to pay for them at a competitive rate.

5. American corporations that have deserted American in order to build offices and factories in Cheap Labor land will be required to pay for their own defense. No longer will Americans pay 3 trillion dollars a year in taxes for defense forces that help traitors take away American jobs.

Draft 2: 2/22/07.


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