Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I'm really sick and tired of this incessant drumbeat from the ObaMorons and the DNC Fascists that Hillary should just quit and endorse Oblablabla.

It doesn't make sense for Hillary to endorse Obama. She is WAY ahead of him in current polls of Electoral College results. Obama is slightly ahead of McCain, but Hillary is CLOBBERING McCain:

Obama 276, McCain 238.
Hillary 327, McCain 194.

It makes no sense whatsoever for Superdelegates to endorse Obama under these circumstances.

Additionally, no Superdelegate committments are FIRM until the convention.

Best path for Hillary: Lay low until the convention. Stand by as the Republicans begin to mercilessly pummel Obama. At the convention, if Obama is not doing better in the polls, Superdelegates will have no choice but to nominate her.

The nomination is entirely up to the Superdelegates at this point. This is what the Superdelegates were invented for: When the delegate system becomes totally flawed and favors a losing candidate.

Plus the fact that even pledged delegates can change their minds. Obama did not object when a Hillary pledged delegate went over to Obama. It goes both ways.

Hillary would be INSANE to endorse Obama now, UNLESS he gives her the Vice Presidency. But most likely he's too stupid to do that.

And besides. Just think how BORING the next 5 months will be with just Obama and McCain. Obama has been humming the same tune for the last 6 months: "Change we can believe in". Who is "we"? And what is the "change" that he keeps babbling about?

Top 2 reasons I dislike Obama: 1) He has refused to debate Hillary for the past several weeks. How are we supposed to even know what he is about if he will not debate Hillary? Also, Hillary suggested debates WITHOUT moderators, which would be MUCH more interesting than the CRAP that CNN came up with (more like a love-in).

2) Obama and his people have done everything in their power to prevent a revote or even a caucus in Florida and Michigan. He has supported the FASCISTIC disenfranchisement of Democratic voters in these 2 states. This is an act of 100% hypocrisy, since he is constantly blathering about how he cares about the disenfranchised.

Apparently Obama only cares about disenfranchised people who want to vote for HIM.


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