Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Friday, May 02, 2008

How Obama May Have Lost the Election for the Democrats

I find it highly amusing to hear the ObaManiacs saying that Hillary is hurting the Democrats' chances for winning the general election. In truth, Obama may well have inflicted the death blow on the Democrats by his multi-faceted attack on everything Clinton.

Drop back a year. Before Obama started campaigning. There was a very clear comparison out there: You could clearly compare 8 years of Democratic rule under Bill Clinton with 8 years of Republican rule under George Bush. The results are ASTOUNDING.

Under the 8 years of Clinton, we had 22 million new jobs, a massive surge in technological invention, a budget surplus and PEACE. Under 8 years of Bush, we have a net job loss, a brain drain of technology to Asia, a budget deficit, and WAR without end in sight.

Now who on earth would want to vote Republican after all that?

Unfortunately, Obama has TRASHED and OBSCURED all of that because of his SELFISH OBSESSION with defeating Hillary. He has beaten down Hillary by beating down the Clinton record. That, in turn, has VASTLY DIMINISHED the chances of a Democratic victory in 2008.

Because let's face it: The single STRONGEST argument to elect a Democrat in 2008 is simply that the Democratic administration of 1992-2000 was so VASTLY superior to the Republican administration of 2000-2008. But Mr. I-Love-The-Democratic-Party Obama, has virtually TRASHED all of that.

He has portrayed Hillary as a RACIST, which is an almost ASTOUNDING feat. He has portrayed Bill Clinton as an INCOMPETENT BUFFOON, who accomplished VIRTUALLY NOTHING from 1992 to 2000. He has stated that REAGAN, Lord of the Netherworld, was more TRANSFORMATIVE than the apparently un-transformative Clinton.

But all of this has thrown the Democrat's magnificent accomplishments into the trash heap of History. All of this massive trashing of the Democratic Party was so that Obama could beat Hillary.

At this point, of course, it is even becoming DUBIOUS that the Democrats can win. HIM in particular. While Hillary is still WINNING in the ELECTORAL counts, Obama is now LOSING to McCain!

So next time you hear Senator Oblablabla or his surrogates saying that they are so dedicated to a Democratic victory, remember that it has been Obama who has made that almost impossible.


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