Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Florida and Michigan Part of the Popular Vote

The Florida and Michigan primary elections ARE a part of the "popular vote count". Whether or not the worthless Fascists in the DNC decide to count them is irrelevant.

The Fascist Commissars of the DNC do indeed have the right to deny delegates to FL and MI, since that is part of their power within the Democratic Party structure. They also have the right to pick a candidate who is or is not the winner of the highest number of popular votes.

However, the PEOPLE of the sovereign states or Florida and Michigan DID vote, and the DNC has no influence, whatsoever, on the LEGITIMACY of that vote.

The elections in FL and MI followed ALL local, state and federal regulations and guidelines. They were totally LEGITIMATE elections. The DNC has NO GOVERNMENT POWER and NO SUPERVISORY POWER WHATSOVER in regard to these elections.

The DNC is a self-appointed, self-righteous collection of has-beens and never-been who ONLY have the right to translate the popular vote into their IDIOTIC delegate counts.

The fact that these MORONIC delegate counts have no relation to reality is part of the reason why there has only been ONE Democrat who won a Presidential election in the past 32 years (That person is named "Clinton" by the way).

The popular VOTE in Florida and Michigan DOES indeed COUNT. Neither the fat black witch Donna Brazille, nor the moronic screamer Howard Dean have the authority to negate the election.

The fact that Obama did not have his name on the ballot is, alas, his OWN RESPONSIBILITY. It is not Hillary's fault that Obama was too STUPID to have his name on the Michigan ballot.

And lets call a spade a spade: Obama took his name off of the ballot DELIBERATELY because the slimy little CHEAT KNEW that Hillary would CLOBBER him, just like she CLOBBERED the filthy little lying CHEAT in FLORIDA.

And if Obama thinks that that is unfair, then how come the COWARDLY little CHEAT has been too CHICKEN to have a revote or a caucus in FL or MI?

But the VOTE STANDS. The DNC HAS NO AUTHORITY WHATSOVER to negate the duly authorized and duly constituted public ELECTIONS held in Florida and Michigan.


The DNC FASCISTS may have some dismal and immoral authority to deny delegates to FL and MI (because they are filthy FASCISTS who HATE democracy and free elections), but the FILTH in the DNC DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to negate the results of FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS held by the duly elected and duly authorized government of the SOVEREIGN STATES or FLORIDA and MICHIGAN.

And if you don't like that, then EAT SHIT AND DIE!!! We VOTE in AMERICA. And if you don't want to count Florida's vote now, then those 27 elector votes will be going to John McCain.

John McCain is a man who FOUGHT for our RIGHT to vote. He is not some slimy little FASCIST who tells us that we do not have the right to have delegates because we don't vote for that FILTHY, SLIMY, FASCIST CHEAT OBAMA!!!


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