Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Horoscopes of Obama versus McCain

People who DON'T believe in astrology are stupid. The planet earth is just a tiny spec of dust within our galaxy. What makes people so sure that cosmic forces have no effect on their lives?

In any event, I find these horoscopes QUITE interesting, and VERY different. Obama has his main concentration in FIRE and AIR. He has the sun and several planets in Leo, a fire sign. His moon is in Gemini, an air sign. Gemini is alleged to be the most intelligent of all signs, but also EXTREMELY treacherous. There are strong mental, psychic powers associated with this sign, that are very much exhibited in Obama.

Obama is also the architypical Leo. He is extraordinarily Leo-like. Leo is the Sun, or the center of the universe. Leo is the symbol of the Sun King. And so Obama has this extraordinary power to be on center stage. Leos are known for their acting ability, and for their star quality.

A negative on Leo is that when they need something from you, they will focus irresistable charm upon you. When they don't need you, you are dirt. Sound familiar?

McCain on the other hand, is part of the other half of the world. He is mainly an EARTHER. Astrological signs are broadly divided into the "Earth/Water" and "Fire/Air" elements. Obama is STRONLGLY Fire/Air. Fire/Air represents change, since fire destroys so that no structures can emerge. Air is necessary to feed the flames. Air is intellect. Sound familiar? If you vote for Obama, better buy an asbestos suit!

McCain has his most important planets in Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign. Its a common sign, which is why McCain is very at-home in Town Hall Meetings. King Obama HATES Town Hall Meetings. King Obama HATES rubbing shoulders with the masses (no matter what he says). That is why he is perceived as arrogant.

McCain loves the contact with the common folk, and HATES speeches. Virgos hate giving speeches and aren't good at it. McCain's moon is in Capricorn, which is ALSO an earth sign. That makes him a double-earther. I LIKE that. I might vote for McCain just on the basis of his horoscope.

Earth signs are more conservative, as well as more conservationist. Earth signs are most at-one with the earth. That promising. That would indicate that in a real sense, McCain might be even more of a conservationist than Obama, despite being a Republican.


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