Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Time for a Fumblerooski to Mitt Romney

I think that it's time for McCain to do a "Fumblerooski". McCain should fake a heart attack, or terminal cancer, or something, and designate Mitt Romney as his replacement quarterback.

Then Romney comes in and runs it 99 yards down field for a winning touchdown. And the Republican crowd cheered, while the Democrats sat in stunned silence.

Why not? McCain doesn't have a prayer. Mitt Romney should have been the candidate anyway. McCain only got nominated because of that bozo Huckabee who split the conservative vote.

The debate last night was a JOKE. Obama's IQ is probably about 50 points higher than McCain. But how could McCain win? Obama graduated at the top of his class from Harvard Law. OF COURSE he is a master debater.

Not only did McCain never go to Law School, or any grad school, he barely managed to graduate from the Naval Academy. Do we REALLY want a person to be president who graduated 5th from the BOTTOM of his class??? This indicates downright STUPIDITY and a downright DISLIKE for abstract thought and ideas. You have to really TRY to do THAT bad in college. Maybe he only got into the Naval Academy and got thru it because of his father's clout.

Mitt Romney, on the other hand, was valedictorian at Brigham Young, and then went on to do a double MBA/Law program Cum Laude at Harvard. So it is safe to assume that Romney's IQ is on a level with Obama's.

Frankly, I think that Mitt Romney would have sliced, diced, chewed-up, and digested Obama. Or at least made him break into a sweat. Romney is a certifiable pit bull, as was evidenced by his debate against McCain.

Consequently, if McCain were to disappear, and Romney were to hit the ground running, there is a definite possibility that he could pick up a lot of the reluctant independent Obama voters that McCain has missed. At least, there is a CHANCE. That's more than McCain has.

And at least independents like myself would have a CHOICE. Right now we have a choice between a bomb-throwing liberal, who is at least INTELLIGENT, and some 900 year old guy who doesn't know a computer chip from a potatoe chip. (Ha ha, potatoe rhymes with toe, I learned that Dan Quayle!).

Romney would fill a major void. He is the ONLY candidate who would have had any BUSINESS or executive experience. The rest of them are a bunch of blowhard Senators who never met a payroll, or had to turn a profit, in their entire lives. That is critical. McCain's expertise is military, and America has almost zero interest in that right now.

Romney's expertise is in business and economics. He was a fantastically successful businessman. He was a governor, rather than a senator, so he had executive experience.

Having been a governor of liberal Massachusetts, he would know how to appeal to independents. Three weeks isn't much time, but why not? If nothing else, it would be fun to see Obama's reaction.

"Hey! Who let the dog loose!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, nothing to add.

16/10/08 13:49  

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