Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Germans owe Jews $100 trillion and 6 million souls

A certain person, who shall remain un-named, has presented the idea that the 4,000 years of Israel being the homeland of the Jews is not really all that important. Moses, Jesus, the Roman Empire, the Greek Empire? Small potatoes of no great consequence in the modern world. The only important thing are those Palestinians that came along with the Ottoman Turks and killed everything in sight. Hey! The last 200 years is most important, right?

Ok, just for the sake of argument, lets say that the last 200 years of history is the most important, and it doesn't really matter that Israel has been the physical and spiritual homeland of the Jews for the past 4,000 years.

If you are now going to be so generous in giving land back to the Palestinians, then you must also give back the land and property stolen from the JEWS during the course of the twentieth century. That's only fair, right?

By my estimation, as I will explain below, in an American court of law, it is likely that the 10 million Jews affected by World War II are owed something on the order of 100 TRILLION dollars. This is mostly owed by Germany and her allies/lackies during World War II, but it is also owed by other nations who have oppressed the Jews and stolen their land and property over the years. This includes Russia, many Eastern Europeon nations, and many Arab nations, including Iran and Iraq (where Jews have lived for hundreds of years).

The number of Jews affected by World War II is about 10 million. That includes the 6 million who were killed, and about another 4 million who were stripped of their belongings, sent to concentration camps, but survived.

So I will use 10 million as the multiplier in calculating damages and reparations.

1. LAND AND PROPERTY. Particularly during the Nazi era, virtually all Jewish land and property was stolen by the Nazis and their cohorts. Indeed, the Germans of the Nazi era were little more than a pack of theives. They had decided that it would be worthwile to steal everything that the Jews owned, and did so, to their great (short term) economic benefit.

This also includes the Jewish businesses that were seized by the Nazis. This occurred not only in Germany, but also in other places controlled by Nazi occupation, such as Vichy France, Fascist Italy, and most of Eastern Europe.

Jews had been living for HUNDREDS of years in the "Pale" that bordered Russia and Eastern Europe. These people were butchered in massive numbers by the Nazis, and sometimes by the Russians, as well as being caught in the crossfire of the Nazi-initiated war.

These Jews would have to be compensated for their lost land and property. Conceivably, this LAND should be RETURNED to the Jewish people. Is this not what many lefties are asking Israel to do for the Palestinians?

Consequently, a new Jewish "Mini-nation" needs to be created on the border of Russia and Eastern Europe. The current inhabitants of that area must be relocated to Siberia, since the Jews had been living there for the past few hundred years, just like the Palestinians in Israel, so the current residents of those areas have no right to be there. They stole that land from the Jews.

More dramatically, in Germany, the Jews should be given a new "Mini-nation" within Germany. Call it "Jewmany". This would be partial compensation for all of the land that was forcibly stolen from the Jews by the Germans during World War II.

Perhaps the Jews could be given Berlin, and an area of about 100 miles around it. The current German population in that area? Easy solution: Exterminate them! Hey! Now we're even! Kewl.

Seeing that the Germans have become such nice, reasonable people, I am sure that would not mind giving up Berlin and 6 million Germans to the newly immigrating Jews. Hey! Fair is fair!

2. COMPENSATION FOR PAIN AND SUFFERING: If any American had suffered, at the hands of a local government, what the Jews suffered at the hands of the German government, they would doubtless by awarded a "pain and suffering" settlement of at least 100 million dollars by a typical American jury.

Consider the typical case: A brilliant Jewish college professor is suddenly prohibited from teaching or from using his hard-earned PhD for any purpose whatsoever. He has broken no laws, and has even been a model German citizen.

In addition to losing his job, he is also rounded up the Gestapo and taken to a concentration camp. All of his personal property is seized (stolen) by the German government. His wife and children are also rounded up and arrested by the Nazis. His wife might have been raped before his eyes, and his children abused.

At gunpoint, he and his family were stripped naked and shoved into a boxcar. The professor, his wife, his children, perhaps his parents, his cousins, the rest of his family. All stripped naked and shoved into a frigid boxcar with a single bucket in the corner to serve as a toilet.

Once arriving at the concentration camp, he was separated from his wife and children, and in fact, might have seen them raped, beaten or killed by sadistic German soldiers. He would then be worked to death, or near-death, as a slave laborer at the concentration camp.

OK? Now lets take all of this and bring it to an American court of law. Imagine that this person and his family were blacks living in Mississippi, and the Government of Mississippi did this to him, with no provocation or criminality at all on his part.

What do you think the settlement for "pain and suffering" would be? I think that a CONSERVATIVE estimate would be 10 million dollars per person.

Therefore, I say that the amount owed to the Jewish survivors, or their beneficiaries, for pain and suffering, would be 10 million dollars for each of the 10 million Jews. This comes to a total of 100 TRILLION dollars in damages.

But don't go away. There's more.

3. COMPENSATION FOR LOST WAGES. Another definite award would be given for "lost wages". Lets say that some Jewish businessman was making the equivalent (in 2007 money) of $500,000 per year, at age 40. Since he was then taken away to a concentration camp, there to make nothing, it is assumed that he has lost $500,000 times 25 years--the number of years until his retirement at age 65.

So in this one instance alone, lost wages comes to about 12 million dollars.

But I wouldn't want to be a greedy Jew. So let's say that we assign a measly 1 million dollars per person for lost wages. One million dollars times 10 million Jews comes to another 10 trillion dollars. Boy, those bills are sure adding up for the Germans! Maybe they can find a Jew money-lender to help them out! Or maybe they can get a juice loan from Tony Soprano. He's going to be around Sunday night, you know.

Nope, still not done.

4. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: One of the most unexcusable atrocities of the Nazis was the use of live Jews and Russians for medical experiments. For example, see
this and this .

The fact that these atrocities were carried out by medical doctors, who were highly educated, makes these crimes much worse than those committed by uneducated stormtroopers. These doctors did not have the excuse that they were "just following orders". These experiments required initiative, and certainly these doctors could have gotten out of performing them.

Doctors generally could also easily emigrate to another country. Most countries welcome doctors because they are so necessary. Especially during a war.

In an American court of law, the actions of these doctors would undoubtedly bring a HUGE financial settlement, including MASSIVE punitive damages. Consequently, another 10 trillion dollars should be added to the tab for medical malpractice.

5. PUNITIVE DAMAGES: Most certainly, in an American court of law, there would be HUGE punitive damages assessed against the Germans. Consider the multi-billion dollar punitive-damage settlement assessed against tobacco companies. And the tobacco companies are like Girl Scouts compared to the freekin Germans.

But once again, not wanting to be a greedy Jew, let's limit the punitive damages to a paltry one million dollars per person, which adds another 10 trillion dollars to the tab.

6. Compensation for lost personal property. But now let's take a look at Isreal/Palestine. Let's look at the land that is supposed to be returned to the poor sweet Palestinians.

First of all, at the birth of the modern State of Israel, there were only 750,000 Palestinians. So there was most certainly plenty of room for both Jews and Palestinians in the area. It isn't the fault of the Jews that the Palestinians have bred like bunnies in the past 60 years. It is not their responsibility to feed a ridiculous number of Palestinian babies. It is the Palestinians' responsibility to limit their birth rate to what they can afford.

Second, most of the land settled by the early Zionist was UNOCCOUPIED and UNWANTED by Palestinians. That is why the Jews settled there. They did not have the force, the money, the weaponry, or the desire to steal land from the Palestinians. They only wanted to live in peace.

Consequently, they settled largely in areas like the Negev Desert, where they reclaimed land from the desert thru hard work and scientific agricultural techniques. They also settled in Malaria infested swamps, that nobody wanted to even get near.

For example, one kibbutz that I know of was settled by Germans in the 1930's. These were German Jewish professions and white collar workers who suddenly found themselves dispossed and decided that moving to a Malaria infested swamp in Israel was perferrable to continuing to survive in Germany.

So German Jews worked very hard on draining their swamp and making it grow. And it did. And they opened little businesses, that had modest success, thru dint of hard work and intelligence. Today, that formerly Malaria-invested swamp is home to several million-dollar businesses.

You can't keep a good man down. They did not let Hitler destroy them.

But you now have an interesting problem. Are these people now supposed to just "give back" this land to the Palestinians? "Give back" the land to Palestinians who did not WANT it in the first place, and who might have even sold it to the Jews?

And what right would the Palestinians have to what has been BUILT on that land for the last 80 years? Those German Jews have been living on that piece of land for EIGHTY years! That is FOUR GENERATIONS of native-born Israelis. How is there a justification that they should "give back" this land to the Palestinians?

And even in cases where it WOULD be correct to "give back" land taken from the Palestinians. What about the property of the Jews that the Jews BUILT upon it in the past 60 years. Even if the Palestinians had a justification for taking back that piece of land, there could be no justification for taking the property that is built upon it.

A fair settlement in this case might be to give the Palestinians title to some specific pieces of land, and assign some reasonable rent to be paid. Perhaps in some years they land would be given over to them totally, if they really chose to take it over, and throw away the RENTAL revenue, which might be SUBSTANTIAL.

7. A final point is that the Jews did NOT take "Palestine" away from the Palestinians. They took Palestine away from the BRITISH. The former colony of Palestine was divided into the Jewish State of Israel, and a Palestinian state.

The Palestinians, alas, got greedy. They teemed up with 7 other Arab country to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. But it didn't work. The Palestinians lost. Tuff patooties, Palestinians. You should have been content with what you had.

So since then, because of their reckless choice to attack Israel, and their continuing non-productive terrorism, they wind up with much, much less than what they would have if they teamed up with Israel.

A million Palestinians DID become Israeli citizens, and are quite happy, thank you. But you rarely hear THEIR story. They never write stories in the papers, or on TV about happy Palestinans. No, its always about some suicidal loser who mistakes his dick for the wick of time bomb. Dumb people used as smart bombs.

So, to conclude my modest proposal, I must say that despite the fact that the Germans, and others, owe the Jews about 120 TRILLION dollars in damages, plus 6 million souls, the Jews are quite willing to forget about collecting all of that land and money if the world would simply leave Israel the fuck alone.

Yep, the Jews just want Israel to live in peace. So, think about it.

Draft 2: 4/9/07. Added Medical Malpractive claims. Removed some ineffectual insults.


Blogger david santos said...

Thanks for you work and have a good weekend.

8/4/07 15:56  
Blogger Small Ball of Anger said...

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11/4/07 09:57  
Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

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11/4/07 15:32  
Blogger Small Ball of Anger said...

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12/4/07 14:19  
Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

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13/4/07 06:34  
Blogger Small Ball of Anger said...

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13/4/07 07:45  
Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

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16/4/07 15:17  
Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

You're right. This is going nowhere and I don't have the time to waste on it.

16/4/07 15:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree.

By the way, I have been forced by third parties to heighten the privacy settings on my blog, so that now one has to be "invited" and logged in to read it. I am happy to invite you as a reader if you want, but I need an email address.


18/4/07 06:03  
Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

OK, that's anonymous124816@yahoo.com

18/4/07 10:11  
Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

WTF? Looks like a chicken walked across my blog.

15/3/12 12:22  

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