Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gunseller shouldn't have sold a Glock

The gun dealer who sold the Virginia Tech killer a Glock 19 said that this was just an "ordinary" sale. Just what then is an "extraordinary" sale, when a guy comes in wearing a ski-mask while foaming at the mouth?

There were a few wildly-waving red flags here that should have been visible to any responsible gun-dealer:

First, the Glock 9mm is a handgun that is specifically designed for, and intended to be LIMITED TO, law enforcement and military personnel.

Why is that? Fast re-loading. The Glock 19, built with German efficiency, can use a clip of up to 30 rounds. That means that you can fire 30 shots before even reloading. And then reloading can be done in SECONDS simply by inserting another preloaded clip.

Why on earth would a college student living in a dormitory need that sort of firepower? What conceivable use was he going to put this handgun to? Did anyone even ASK him?

There is NO CONCEIVABLE REASON that a college student, living in a dormitory, would need a Glock 9mm semi-automatic. It is particularly absurd when you consider that he presented a GREEN CARD as identification to the gun dealer. Hell-oooooooooh, Mr. Gun Dealer, did you ever hear of something called the "War on Terror"? DUH.

And what would a college student living in a dorm need a semi-automatic, with 50 rounds of ammunition for?

Protection? Do you need a semi-automatic with 50 rounds of ammo to protect your bed? Even a person living in a large house would have little use for a gun that shoots more than 6 shots at a time, as a simple revolver does.

For home and personal protection, a revolver is the most practical and most reliable handgun. It never jams, whereas the Glock 19 has a significant jamming problem. The difference is that a 6-shooter is that it is difficult and time-consuming to reload.

But how often would an individual need to fire more than 6 shots at a time to protect himself? Indeed, most people go thru life without ever needing to shoot one shot.

Hunting? No, you don't go hunting with pistols, especially semi-automatics. You go hunting with rifles.

He was a resident alien. No offense against resident aliens, but that is another red flag. How many resident aliens from Korea go duck hunting with 9mm semi automatics? Try NONE. Unless maybe they went to the Dick Cheney School of Hunting Safety.

The ONLY legitimate use for a Glock 9mm is close-up, massive, lethal force in a law enforcement or military situation where you may need to fire a large number of rounds.

It is NOT a weapon that is designed for personal protection by a CIVILIAN.

Another red flag is that our friend Cho bought another automatic handgun. Did anybody even ASK why on earth a resident alien college student, living in a dorm, would go out and buy two semi-automatic handguns within a short period of time? Did anybody notice that he was not a hunter or a sportsman? That he was not a homeowner needing to protect his home? That he was not employed in a dangerous job where a concealed weapon was necessary?

A final red flag is that his teachers and fellow-students viewed him as a borderline psychopath. His plays were full of extreme violence.

All of this points to the idiocy of the current policy of selling guns to anybody who comes up with the cash.

What is it about the phrase "a well regulated militia" that the NRA bozos don't understand? Gun owners need to develop a sense of responsibility. They need to dump the NRA, which is nothing more than a trade association for weapons manufacturers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you are saying that we should restrict peoples rights based on their needs????

16/3/08 12:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. The Glock 19 isn't made just for the military and law enforcement. Throughout time guns that the military uses have been available to the public.
2. It is none of the gun shop owner's business what anyone purchasing a gun intends to use it for.
3. Rarely would six shots, as from a revolver be enough to stop an intruder for most people. This is not a controlled environment where someone can take the time to aim. It is common to hear of police in stressful situations emptying their guns carrying many more rounds than six and never hitting their target.
4. Handguns are widely used to hunt with. Bear season starts next week and I will be using a semi-auto handgun for bear hunting. I regularly use my Glock 19's for gophers.

26/4/08 22:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

28/8/08 01:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I own a Glock 19 and I have a Green Card, and i've got no intention of ever shooting anyone. I wanted a pistol that was reliable, good value for money, and that had lots of cool accessories, that I can take to a shooting range and shoot paper targets when my friends and I go every couple of weeks.

The 2nd ammendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bare arms, and green card holders are treated as American Citizens (except for exceptional circumstances like being able to vote in national elections). The fact that idiot was able to get a gun was a failure in the federal authorization system, not the gun bought.

50 rounds? That's the smaller box most people buy. I buy at least 100 at a time, as i'll shoot about 100-200 each time I go to the range.

27/11/08 20:35  

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