Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The DNC is a Terrorist Organization

The Democratic National Committee operates like a TERRORIST organization. I say this it has NO GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER, but yet it insists on telling SOVEREIGN STATES what to do. It also DISENFRANCHISES voters, which is typical of TERRORIST organizations.

Consider Florida. Florida is a sovereign state. It is the fourth largest state in the USA. It has a population of 18 million people. It has a duly authorized and accepted state constitution. It has a duly elected Governor. It has a duly elected legislature. Its has 2 duly elected Senators and several duly elected Congressmen. It has a duly authorized Supreme Court and a comprehensive Judicial System.

When the Sovereign State of Florida scheduled the January 29 election, it conformed to all laws, rules and regulations. It conformed to all laws, rules and regulations at the federal, state and local level. It was approved by all LEGITIMATE governmental agencies.

So how then did the DNC see fit to DISENFRANCHISE Florida? Simple. TERRORISM! The DNC has ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY to regulate or schedule elections, WHATSOVER.

The DNC is NOT an elected body. It is NOT appointed or approved as an official governmental institution.

The DNC is not even ELECTED by the Democrats of the USA! Howard Dean was NOT elected by the Democrats of the USA. He was picked by a bunch of stupid muck-a-mucks in Washington, DC. The same is true for Donna Brazile, who engineered the disenfranchisement of Florida and Michigan, so beneficial to Obama.

It is totally PRESUMPTOUS for the DNC to assume that they enjoy the support of the Democratic VOTERS of the USA.


The DNC, in effect, is a TERRORIST organization. They have no GOVERNEMENTAL authority WHATSOVER, but yet, thru acts of TERRORISM to voters, they cripple the LEGITIMATE government of the sovereign state of Florida.

So when Oblablabla tells us that "rules are rules", I say "who the FUCK is the DNC to be making RULES????" The DNC has NO GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY WHATSOVER to schedule elections.

Until such time as the DNC GETS LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY to schedule elections, they should SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop using TERRORISM to enforce their EVIL Obamaesque WILL!!!



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