Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Forgetting Russert, Remembering Our Dead Troops

Don't get me wrong. I've always been a big fan of Tim Russert. I regularly watched his Sunday show and other events that he has hosted. However, I am getting really bored and annoyed with this endless bathos-a-thon of remembering him.

In fact, I am totally sick and tired of ALL of these bathos-a-thons whenever someone "important" croaks. I remember when Gerald Ford croaked, they flew the flag at half staff at the White House (or was that for Ronny Ray-Gun?), and held these endless memorial bathos-a-thons.

So I say "screw the elites". There are DOZENS of deaths and injuries every day that are just as tragic as Tim Russert's. After all, Tim Russert lived a very rich and rewarding life. He died somewhat prematurely, but he still lived a full life. He also had the blessing of dying a QUICK death, rather than rotting away in a nursing home from Alzheimers for 5 years.

So I am proposing a NEW TV series! I call it "Ten Minutes of Glory". On the "Ten Minutes of Glory" show, EACH SOLDIER who got killed that day would get 10 minutes, exclusively about his or her life story.

It could be just like the Tim Russert bathos-a-thon, except condensed to 10 minutes. We could hear from the dead soldier's mom and dad, sister(s) and brother(s), grandparents, friends, teachers, girl/boy friends, husband/wife, as well as son(s)/daughter(s).

I think that it would be VERY EASY to fill up 10 minutes about EACH dead soldier. I know that they may not be all that glamorous, but their deaths are TRULY tragic, and the least that they deserve is 10minutes of glory.

In fact, this would be an excellent program for Obama to sponsor. It would have somewhat of an anti-war effect, and Obama of course has 43 jillion dollars, so why not spend it on a show like "10 minutes of glory" rather than stupid TV ads?

So, no offense against Tim Russert or Gerald Ford, but I get really sick & tired of these bathos-a-thons whenever somebody "important" dies, but yet the THOUSANDS of soldiers who are defending America's freedom do not even get 10 minutes. That's BS.


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