Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

HILLARY Should Have Spent 150 Grand on Clothes!!!

The whole so-called "scandal" about Sarah Palin spending $150K on clothes brings something else to mind. HILLARY.

If HILLARY had spent $150K, or more, on clothes, the current ticket would be "Hillary/Obama", not "Obama/Biden". And it would be AHEAD 70-30.

I TOLD Hillary again and again: The American male will not elect a president with a BIG BUTT! I did. Read my older posts! But Hillary wouldn't listen.

Hillary INSISTED on wearing those HIDEOUS pink pant-suits (or whatever the stupid things are called). How GHASTLY! PUKE ME OUT! My advice to Hillary was: Take ALL of your pant-suits, make a big pile of them in your back yard, and then BURN them!!!

Ok. Maybe keep ONE pant-suit, just in case you need to go to a Bull-dyke convention, or a meeting of FemiNazis International. But certainly NEVER be seen in PUBLIC wearing one of those things!

I TOLD her to hire at least one, or maybe TWO, fashion designers. GAD ZOOKS. Bill & Hillary made $109 MILLION in the past 8 years, but she dresses like a starving high-school English teacher who hasn't bought any new clothes in 10 years!

I TOLD her what to wear. And it is much like what PALIN wears: NO SUIT-COATS! They make her look like a pregnant hippo-potamus, who has eaten too many potatoes. Suit coats make her hips and thighs look even bigger than they are. And they're pretty big.

One of the radio talk guys dubbed her "Her Thighness".

My advice to her: Wear shirt-waist jackets, like Palin's. That slims down her hips. Preferably blue, which accentuates her eyes.
She should ALWAYS wear DARK pants or skirts, preferrably BLACK, which makes her hips and butt smaller. She should wear some nuclear-powered butt-shaping girdle.

Then she needed to wear more eyeshadow. Her eyes are the best thing going for her. She should have highlighted them by wearing BLUE. NEVER that HORRIBLE pink that she seems to love so dearly. PUKE ME OUT!

Then what she should have done was set a million dollar max on her credit card and head over to Neiman-Marcus. Maybe she should have called Palin to go shopping with her. To help her out a little.

So anyway, all the dumb liberals can bash Sarah Palin all they want for spending 150 grand on clothes, but the fact is, if HILLARY had spent some REAL money on clothes, she would now be in line to be President-elect Clinton.

Yes, mam. The American male will never elect a female with a big butt president.


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