Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Friday, October 24, 2008


The following was in response to one of the many FOWL posts in the RETARDED Fartington Post (world's biggest pile of fecal matter).

OK. How much money has OBAMA spent on clothes? Why doesn't he release THAT info? And where are HIS medical records? Doesn't he want to tell you about the time he got the CLAP?

And how much money does Michelle spend on her HAND-MADE Designer gowns?

And where did the 150 MILLION DOLLARS that Obama SCAMMED-IN this month REALLY come from. Poor pee-poe? Oh, puhleeeeeeeze. And how much of that money goes to buying new Mercedes for the THUGS and gang-members that SCUMBAG Obama has working for him.

How ANYBODY could want that piece of GARBAGE invading the holy sanctity of the White House is beyond my imagination. The man is FILTH.

As Obama drags his Trojan Horse into the Oval Office, filled with Jeremiah Wright and this thousands of parishioners, filled with neo-Nazi Farrakhan and his million storm-trooping extortionists, filled with Rezko and his money launderers, filled with The Chicago Democratic Machine and their ENDLESS "troopergates", Filled with bomb-making Ayers and Doran, his good buddies, filled with Acorns, tens of thousands of fraudulent registrations.

Oh yeah, this Obama is a PEACH. Only STUPID WHITE LIBERALS could POSSIBLY be DUMB ENOUGH to vote for him. I'm voting for HILLARY.


Yes. I had a REVELATION today. I have been FURIOUS at the Democratic Party for not counting my primary vote for Hillary ever since January. I have been agonizing for months over whether to vote for Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dumber.

But I suddenly realized, WHY NOT VOTE FOR HILLARY??? This is NOT a waste of my vote. It would be a waste of my vote to vote for that SCUMBAG Obama, or to vote for the senile meathead with the bad ideas.

Why not vote for Hillary?

I dedicate my vote for Hillary to Barack Obama. I hope it causes you to LOSE the election. Wouldn't that be Hillarious???

I also dedicate my vote to How-weird Dean (Dr. Demento) and Black Donna Brazile. You see, just because you FASCIST TURDS decide not to count my vote, it does NOT mean that my vote won't count!

You SWINE wouldn't count my vote in the primary, so that you could railroad your filthy, stupid, treasonous, foolish, inexperienced, IMBECILE into the nomination. Well, I will cast my vote for HIllary NOW.

VOTE FOR HILLARY!!! Tell El Scumbag what you think of him!!!


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