Jack W. Orf Journal

Discussion of important issues of the day without name-calling or meaningless arguments. Unless I'm in a bad mood, in which case body armor is recommended. I welcome your comments! Of late, this blog has gone from being a Critique of Pure Obama, to a Critique of Impure Trump.

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Location: United States

Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama is not black, he is Obama

I tend to think that the number of people voting anti-black will be less than expected. Quite frankly, all things being equal, I personally would vote for a white instead of black Obama. IF there were a white who was REMOTELY as smart as Obama. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.

And what with the stock market crash, we can't really afford to vote for some white turkey just because he is white. Considering the EXTREME crises that are currently facing America, we MUST vote for the most capable person. And I think that many other white people realize that.

If this were a more "normal" year, like 2004, I would probably vote for McCain. But this is not 2004.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with my PREFERRING to vote for a WHITE. Don't BLACKS prefer to vote for a BLACK? Isn't that why Obama got 90% of the black vote in South Carolina, and other places?

Why is it OK for BLACKS to prefer to vote for a black, and it's not OK for WHITES to prefer to vote for a WHITE?

That said, I'm still probably voting for Obama simply because he is so much more capable than McCain. And I think that the same thing is happening in much of America.

Obama has been very smart in fighting the "racist" problem. He seems to recognize that whites do NOT hate and fear all black people. Whites hate and fear blacks who LOOK hateful and scary. Blacks have a very high crime rate and many are extremely violent and lawless.

But almost all whites have a few black friends who they like and who they trust. These people are not really "blacks". These people are "friends". And I think that Obama, thru his 18-month campaign, and very MUCH with the help of the "Hillary-Obama Show", which America enjoyed for months, has become a "friend" and a household word in America.

That is the reason why the Ayers stuff is not sticking. Also, the Republicans started throwing dirt at Obama too little and too late. They should have been smearing him MONTHS ago. At this point, it's too late. People know their "buddy" Obama, and they know he isn't a terrorist (even if he really WAS).

People now feel that they "know" Obama. Even tho they really don't. But that's tough luck for the dumb Republicans, who were MASSIVELY outclassed by Obama. Just as Hillary was massively outclassed by Obama. That's part of why I like/hate Obama.

But Obama has spent tens of millions of dollars saturating the American public with his smiling face. On every page of the Internet, we see a picture of Obama's smiling face. All of this paid for with the 150 MILLION DOLLARS that he raised this month alone. Who knows where.

Meanwhile, McCain is ironically strangling on one of his greatest legislative accomplishments: McCain/Feingold. He has to sit there twiddling his thumbs while Obama rakes in 150 million a month. Never mind that this is an act of enormous hypocrisy by Obama.

We have become accustomed to Obama's endless hypocrisy. But Obama has legendary teflon.

Unfortunately, McCain is REALLY floundering. Listening to his speech on TV yesterday, he seems to be largely out of it. He's still talking about "Drill, baby, drill", for example. Hasn't he noticed that gas prices have gone down a dollar a gallon? Energy is yesterday's news.

And solving the current economic crisis by cracking down on "corruption" and earmarks, and giving rich people MORE taxcuts? What planet is he living on?

His endless talk about Joe the Plumber only makes sense to The Base. Here is some guy who does not have a plumber's license and he is complaining because, someday, he might make over $250,000 in his own imaginary plumbing business, and might have to pay a slightly higher tax rate. Gad zooks! Talk about obscure logic.

Then McCain does his "fight, fight, fight" thing, which rings rather empty. What McCain SHOULD be doing is trying to be the way he was at the Al Smith dinner. He was actually FUNNIER and more clever than Obama. But yet, McCain seems to come off as some bumbling, doddering, bitter, old man on the campaign trail. And his argumenmts don't seem to be relevant.

It's like McCain is just "saying something" to "say something". He has no coherent message. Perhaps because his whole economic message, Reaganian "trickle down", is lying in ruins on Wall Street.

My own relationship to Obama seems to be "like/hate". I LIKE Obama on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and I HATE Obama on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have no real idea why. On the other days I am simply confused and undecided.

Note that I do not have a "love/hate" relationship with Obama, since that would imply that I am some sort of weirdo, like Chris Matthews, who gets chills up his leg over Obama. That's not the case with me. Altho sometimes the thought of Louis Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, et. al., having "coffees" with Obama in the Oval Office does indeed send a chill up my spine.

That concludes my rambling blather for today.


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